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. 2023 May 25;17:1014616. doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2023.1014616

Table 3.


Biomechanical and physiological
AA/HA/KA Ankle angle/hip angle/knee angle MMT Manual muscle strength test
AD/AL Adductor/abductor longus PL Path length
BF Biceps femoris RF Rectus femoris
BS Bilateral symmetry SL/SLL Step length/stride length
CAD Cadence SLA Step length asymmetry
COP Center of pressure SEMI-T Semitendinosus
EMG/sEMG Electromyogram/surface electromyogram SO Soleus
GA/GM Gastrocnemius/gastrocnemius medialis SWT/ST/STT Swing time/step time/stance time
Gmax Gluteus maximus SW Step width
HAM Hamstring muscle group TA Tibialis anterior
IDS/TDS/DST/SST Initial/terminal/double support time/single support time TVP Total vertical pressure
KF/KE Knee angle/flexion/extension VL/VM Vastus lateralis/medialis
MG Medial gastrocnemius WT Walking time
COPM Canadian Occupational Performance Measure MRC Medical research council lower limb muscle strength scale
FAC Functional amblation categories PCI Physiological cost index
FMA-LE Fugl-Meyer assessment-lower extremity PGWI Psychological wellbeing index
GMFCS/GMFM Gross motor function measure RMI River mobility index
L-FIM Locomotor functional independence measure TS Tardieu scale
m-FIM/L-FIM motor/locomotor-functional independence measure WHS Walking Handicap Scale
MI-AD/HF/KE Motricity index-ankle dorsiflexion/hip flexion/knee extension (hemiplegic side)
CSE Cortico-spinal excitability nTMS Navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation
EEG Electroencephalogram SMA Supplementary motor area
fMRI Functional magnetic resonance imaging fNIRS Functional near-infrared spectroscopy
SMI Sensorimotor integration
10MWT 10-m walk test FGS/GS/MWS/SSWS Fast/gait speed/max/self-selected
25MWT 25-m walk test FRT Functional reach test
25FWT 25-foot walk test SCT Stair climb test
2MWT 2-minute walk test TCT Trunk control test
30CST 30 s sit to stand test TUG Timed up and go
6MWT 6-min walk test WD Walking distance
BBS Berg Balance Scale