Table 2. Blood test–based parameters.
Items | Specimen | Formula |
NLR | CBC | Neutrophil/Lymphocyte |
PLR | CBC | Platelet/Lymphocyte |
MLR | CBC | Monocyte/Lymphocyte |
SII | CBC | Neutrophil × Platelet/Lymphocyte |
SIRI | CBC | Neutrophil × Monocyte/Lymphocyte |
HALP score | CBC, SC | Hemoglobin × Alb × Lymphocyte/Platelet |
De Ritis ratio | SC | Aspartate aminotransferase/Alanine aminotransferase |
GPS/mGPS | SC | GPS score |
0: CRP ≤1.0 mg/dL and Alb ≥3.5 g/dL | ||
1: CRP >1.0 mg/dL or Alb <3.5 g/dL | ||
2: CRP >1.0 mg/dL and Alb <3.5 g/dL | ||
Modified GPS score | ||
0: CRP ≤0.5 mg/dL and Alb ≥3.5 g/dL | ||
1: CRP >0.5 mg/dL or Alb <3.5 g/dL | ||
2: CRP >0.5 mg/dL and Alb <3.5 g/dL | ||
GNRI | SC, height, BW | 14.89 × Alb (g/dL) + 41.7 × BW (kg) / ideal BW (kg) |
PNI | CBC, SC | 10 × Alb (g/dL) + 0.005 × Lymphocyte |
CONUT | SC | Alb score: 0 (3.5≤ Alb), 2 (3≤ Alb <3.5), 4 (2.5≤ Alb <3), 6 (Alb <2.5) |
TLC score: 0 (1,800≤ TLC), 1 (1,200≤ TLC <1,800, 2 (800≤ TLC <1,200), 3 (TLC <800) | ||
T-cho score: 0 (180≤ T-cho), 1 (140≤ T-cho <180), 2 (100≤ T-cho <140), 3 (T-cho <100) | ||
CONUT is the sum of Alb score, TLC score, and T-cho score | ||
0–1 normal, 2–4 mild, 5–8 moderate, 9–12 severe | ||
AGR | SC | Alb / (total protein - Alb) |
AGR, albumin to globulin ratio; Alb, albumin; BW, body weight; CBC, complete blood count; CRP, c-reactive protein; GNRI, geriatric nutritional risk index; GPS, Glasgow prognostic score; HALP, hemoglobin, albumin, lymphocyte, and platelet; mGPS, modified GPS; MLR, monocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio; NLR, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; PLR, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio; PNI, prognostic nutritional index; SC, serum chemistries; SII, systemic immune–inflammation index; SIRI, systemic inflammatory response index; TLC, total peripheral lymphocyte count; T-cho, total cholesterol.