Table 3.
Summary table of patient characteristics, and main result for resting state MRI studies. adverse childhood experiences, adverse childhood experiences; BDI-II, Beck's Depression Inventory; CECA, Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse; CM, childhood maltreatment; CN, childhood neglect; chronic pain, chronic pain; CTQ, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire; CTQ-SF, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form; EA, emotional abuse; EAL, early adverse life; ELA, early life adversity; ELS, early life stress; GMV, grey matter volume; GUPI, Genitourinary Pain Index; HAD, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HAMD, Hamilton Depression Scale; HAMD-D, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; HC, healthy control; HDRS, Hamilton Depression Rating; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; IDS-SR, Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self report; MADRS, Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale; MDD, major depressive disorder; PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire; QIDS, Quick Inventory for Depression Symptomatology; RSN, Resting State Network; SA, sexual abuse; SDS, Self-rating Depression Scale; SPD, somatoform pain disorder; UCPPS, urological chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
Author | Country | Study population |
Type of study | Assessment of ELA | Assessment of chronic pain | Assessment of depression | Assessment of anxiety disorders | Resting-state functional MRI |
n | Mean age | Sex | Main results | |||||||
Cisler and colleagues54 | USA | HC=12 ELS-MDD=7 ELS+MDD=19 |
HC=25.92 (5.33) ELS-MDD=27.43 (7.39) ELS+MDD=31.28 (8.57) |
– | An examination of global connectivity and hub-like properties in women with MDD with and without ELS compared with HC. | CTQ | n.a. | HAMD | n.a. | Between resilient individuals there were hub-like properties and decreased global connectivity for the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and for the dorsal anterior cingulate decreased local network connectivity. Between susceptible individuals there were hub-like properties and decreased global connectivity for the left amygdala and for the dorsal anterior cingulate decrease hub-like properties and for the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex decreased local connectivity. |
Wang and colleagues82 | China | HC=20 MDD-CN=20 MDD+CN=18 |
HC=27.9 (4.4) MDD-CN=28.2 (8.7) MDD+CN=28.3 (6.2) |
An investigation in MDD patients with and without CM of the whole-brain functional connectivity patterns. | CTQ | n.a. | HDRS Self-rating Depression Scale |
n.a. | Compared with HC, MDD group in bilateral ventral medial prefrontal cortex/ventral anterior cingulate cortex revealed decreased functional connectivity strength. Compared with the MDD group without CM, MDD with CM in brain regions within the prefrontal–limbic–thalamic–cerebellar circuitry showed widespread reduction of functional connectivity strength, whereas the reductions were correlated with childhood neglect measurements. |
Wu and colleagues83 | China | HC=58 MDD=29 |
HC=27.9 (5.9) MDD=26.7 (6.0) |
HC=34F MDD=17F |
An examination of certain brain functional connectivity patterns and their relationship to certain affective temperaments. In addition, whether the FCs contribute to depressive symptoms. | CTQ | n.a. | Temperament Evaluation of Memphis (TEMPS) HDRS |
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) | Compared with HC, in MDD patients the covariation between the partial least square's functional connectivity profile and the partial least squares affective–temperament profile was enhanced. The somatisation symptom dimension was associated with the affective temperament modulated functional connectivity profile in MDD patients when there was adjusted for age, sex, duration of illness, age on set and HARS scores. |
Xu and colleagues84 | China | HC=17 MDD+CM=15 MDD-CM=14 |
HC=28.94 (5.92) MDD+CM=28.33 (5.81) MDD-CM=32.36 (6.23) |
An investigation of brain functionality in MDD patients with CM experience via a resting-state fMRI. | CTQ | n.a. | HAMD-17 | n.a. | In the prefrontal cortex there was an increased amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation and altered function connection which was associated with MDD patients with CM compared with MDD without CM. MDD patients with CM from patients without CM were differentiated by the left frontal middle gyrus. |
Yu and colleagues86 | USA | HC=39 MDD=189 |
HC=37.1 (14.7) MDD=37.3 (13.0) |
HC=25F MDD=123F |
An investigation in patients with MDD and healthy controls for the network connectivity differences within and between RSNs. | CTQ | n.a. | QIDS HAMD |
Mood and anxiety symptom questionnaire anxious arousal (MASQ) | Compared with HC, MDD patients were characterised by a network model with abnormalities in the decrease within-network connectivity in the FPN, the dorsal attention network, and the cingulo-opercular network, task-positive RSNs. The second abnormality is an increase of within-network connectivity in the DMN and salience network, intrinsic networks. The last abnormality is an increase of within-network connectivity in the sensorimotor network and visual network, sensory networks. The history of childhood trauma and current symptoms in MDD patients were associated with a multivariate pattern of different within- and between-network connectivities, which involves the cingulo-opercular network, FPN, dorsal attention network, subcortical regions, ventral attention network, auditory network, visual network, and sensorimotor network |
Gupta and colleagues92 | USA | HC=58 IBS=110 |
– | HC=30F IBS=72F |
An investigation in IBS patients compare with HC on the integrity of resting state networks, emotional/pain networks and default mode network related to EALs and sex. | Early adverse life trauma (ETI) | n.a. | HAD | n.a. | A positive correlation between left frontal parietal ICN-striatum connectivity and Early Adverse Life was demonstrated primarily in male participants. Female participants had a positive correlation with the connectivity of right putamen and right frontal parietal ICN. IBS patients showed negative correlations with right frontal parietal ICN – precentral gyrus connectivity and positive correlation with left parietal ICN – right superior parietal lobe connectivity. |
Gupta and colleagues93 | USA | HC=86 UCPPS=85 |
HC=37.9 (12.23) UCPPS=39.36 (12.8) |
HC=59F UCPPS=56F |
An investigation of the role of EAL's in the central processes of chronic pain. | Childhood Traumatic Early Adversity (CTES) | Baseline GUPI QoL score; Pain severity; Urinary Severity | n.a. | n.a. | Compared with HC, UCPPS showed lower centrality in the right anterior insular. Compared with males HC, males UCPPS showed lower centrality in the right anterior insular. Compared with females with UCPPS, males with UCPPS showed lower centrality in the left posterior cingulate, middle temporal gyrus, angular gyrus and superior temporal sulcus, although it had greater centrality in the anterior midcingulate cortex and precuneus. In females with UPPS an association was observed between higher reports of ELAs and greater centrality in the left precuneus and left anterior midcingulate cortex. |