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. 2023 May 24;20(11):5937. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20115937

Table 3.

Risk behavior among PWID enrolled in the MASLIHAT trial (N = 420).

Variable n %
Frequency of alcohol use
    Monthly or less 70 16.7
    2 to 4 times a month 187 44.6
    2 to 3 times a week 142 33.9
    4 or more times a week 20 4.8
Heavy alcohol use
    Never 218 52.2
    Less than monthly 112 26.8
    Monthly 72 17.2
    Weekly 13 3.1
    Daily or nearly everyday 3 0.7
Sex with sex worker in the past month 177 42.1
Multiple sex partners in the past month 125 29.8
Any condomless sex in the past month 178 42.4
Injected with shared syringe in the past month 228 54.3
Frequency of syringe sharing in past 3 months
    Never 101 24.1
    Rarely 112 26.7
    Less than half or half the time 90 21.4
    About half the time 70 16.7
    More than half the time 34 8.1
    Almost always 11 2.6
    Always 2 0.5
Cleaned syringe with bleach *
    Never 380 90.7
    Once or twice/a few times 37 8.8
    Sometimes/often 2 0.5
Cleaned syringe with water
    Never 265 63.2
    Once or twice/a few times 131 31.3
    Sometimes/often 23 5.5

Note: * Study characteristics may not sum to total N due to missing information. PWID: people who inject drugs; MASLIHAT: Migrants’ Approached Self-Learning Intervention in HIV/AIDS.