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. 2023 Jun 2;11(11):1636. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11111636

Table 3.

Summary of contributing factors to adverse events or medical (near)misses and maternal deaths. This table describes, per quality-of-care mechanism, the contributing factors described per study. Percentages reflect the relative number of cases (from this study) in which this factor contributed to an adverse event.

Quality of Care Mechanism Study Results Percentages
Patients Iwuh [22] Patient education (lack of information) 6.25
Clinical practice Aikpitanyi [14] Delay in commencing treatment 27.8
Benimana [15] Diagnostic delays 41.3
Therapeutic delays 5.8
Florea [18] Protocol 5.9
Nursing resources 0.2
Physician resources 1.7
Other personnel 0.7
Equipment/resources 6.9
Records/results 14.5
Staff communication 10.0
Patient/family communication 1.6
Delay 1.0
Haddad [20] Lack of trained staff 5.1
Difficulty in monitoring 8.1
Delay in diagnosis 5.6
Delay in starting treatment 6.5
Delay in referral/transfer of the case 5.2
Improper management of the case 21.8
Iwuh [22] Not managed at the level of care that was needed 20.5
Clinical assessment (diagnosis), Problem recognition 4.5
Delay in referring 0.9
Managed at inappropriate level 0.9
Monitoring problems 13.4
Johansen [24] Failure in surveillance 36
Failure in diagnostics 17
Failure in operative delivery 8
Failure in resuscitation 2
Sayinzoga [35] Lack of skilled staff
Insufficient diagnostic means
Inadequate monitoring of labour (use of partograph)
Delay in recognising the complication or administering the correct treatment
Insufficient follow-up in post-operative or postpartum period
No respect for asepsis
Not following protocol
Inadequate resuscitation
Insufficient follow-up of anaesthesia induction
Insufficient pre-operative preparation
Poor quality of antenatal care visit
Sorensen [36] Training of staff insufficient
Habte [19] Poor birth preparedness and poor complication readiness 85.2
Johansen [25] Delay in decision to operate 8
Delay in decision to delivery time 20
Failure monitoring/Misinterpretation CTG 13
Medication error 56.2
Nasorro [32] Delay in managing uterine atony 17
Carvalho [16] Inadequate prenatal care: improper conduct with patient 5 neonatal near-miss/1 death
Huner [21] Peripartum therapeutic delay 44.32
Diagnostic error 36.36
Inadequate birth position 34.09
Medication error 2.27
Zewde [38] Insuffiency of medical staff
Delay in making diagnosis
Poor communication during referral
Emergency medicine Aikpitanyi [14] Delay in deciding to refer patients 5.6
Haddad [20] Difficulty in communication between hospital and regulatory centre 18.8
Delay in referral/transfer 5.2
Mahmood [29] Failure in delay and emergency response 42.9
Delay in procedures 28.6
Lack of policy, protocol and guidelines. 46.4
Delay in emergency response 33.3
Lacking knowledge and skills 60
Failure to follow best practice 70
Lack of recognition of seriousness. 50
Sayinzoga [35] delay of the ambulance to reach the health centre
Nasorro [32] Inadequate preparation in complete readiness 17
Management Aikpitanyi [14] Lack of skilled manpower 11.1
Mahmood [29] Inadequate access to senior clinical staff 39.3
Failure to seek supervision or help 43.3
Sayinzoga [35] Delay in referring the patient at high level
Sorensen [36] Staff not available
Nasorro [32] Delated referral from another facility 26
Saucedo [34] Lack of 24/7 on-site presence of obstetrician or anesthesiologist 5/66 28/81 obstetrician
13/66 37/81 anesthesiologist
Zewde [38] Unavailability of a senior obstetrician
Inappropriate management
Multiple referrals between health facilities
Health workforce Johansen [24] Failure in teamwork 14
Johansen [25] Failure in cooperation between midwife and physician 16
Pharmaceuticals and medical products Aibar [13] Peripheral venous catheter 86.2
Closed bladder catheter 18.9
Aikpitanyi [14] Non-availability of blood products 33.3
Lack of essential emergency drugs 11.1
Benimana [15] Delayed or lacking supplies (blood and medication) 5.8
Haddad [20] Lack of medication 1.8
Absence of blood products 1.3
Johansen [24] Failure in administration of medication 11.1
Sayinzoga [35] Lack of isogroup blood
Wasim [37] Inadequacy in blood arrangement
Zewde [38] Lack of supplies and equipment
Health Facilities Aikpitanyi [14] Non-functional ICU 11.1
Carvalho [16] Inadequate prenatal care: difficult access due to lack of specialised services 46.5
Mulongo [31] Lack of continuity of care and coordination
Wasim [37] Inadequacy in overburdened ICU
Information Systems Iwuh [22] Incomplete registration (lack of information) 6.3
Johanssen [24] Failure in documentation 5
Huner [21] Lack of documentation