Figure 2.
Summary of SD-induced immune impairments and the associations between SD and gut homeostasis. The inner circle and middle square concentrate on the symptoms of SD-induced diseases, covering aspects of cytokines [59], the intestinal barrier [62,63], immune cells [64,65], and colonization resistance [66]. The outer square demonstrates the mechanisms by which SD contributes to these diseases, especially those involved in gut microbiota. TLR4—Toll-like receptor 4; LPS—lipopolysaccharides; LBP—lipopolysaccharide-binding protein; NF-κB—nuclear factor kappa-B; WBCs—white blood cells; NK cells—natural killer cells; MUC2—mucin 2; TJs—tight junctions; DCA—deoxycholic acid; CR—colonization resistance. The up/down arrows indicate an increase/decrease of the represented object.