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. 2023 May 25;15(11):2469. doi: 10.3390/nu15112469

Table 1.

Characteristics of study sample examining the possible association between coffee and dementia risk, collected at HUNT2 and HUNT4.

Coffee Consumption (Cups/Day) Tea Consumption (Cups/Day)
Overall 0–1 2–3 4–5 6–7 ≥8 0 1 2 ≥3
Total study population, n 7381 580 1770 2584 1248 1199 4413 1132 1184 652
Sex, male 3432 (46.5) 286 (49.3) 768 (43.4) 1099 (42.5) 594 (47.6) 685 (57.1) 2229 (50.5) 497 (43.9) 411 (34.7) 295 (45.2)
Age 55.85 ± 6.20 56.22 ± 6.19 56.57 ± 6.56 56.18 ± 6.43 55.40 ± 5.96 54.39 ± 5.36 55.76 ± 6.21 55.83 ± 6.31 56.22 ± 6.47 55.90 ± 5.96
Educational attainment
 Primary school 2976 (40.3) 162 (27.9) 633 (35.8) 1104 (42.7) 532 (42.6) 545 (45.5) 1918 (43.5) 363 (32.1) 454 (38.3) 241 (37.0)
 High school 2655 (36.0) 222 (38.3) 642 (36.3) 891 (34.5) 452 (36.2) 448 (37.4) 1578 (35.8) 425 (37.5) 432 (36.5) 220 (33.7)
 College/university 1750 (23.7) 196 (33.8) 495 (28.0) 589 (22.8) 264 (21.2) 206 (17.2) 917 (20.8) 344 (30.4) 298 (25.2) 191 (29.3)
Marital status
 Unmarried 310 (4.2) 42 (7.2) 70 (4.0) 104 (4.0) 47 (3.8) 47 (3.9) 197 (4.5) 42 (3.7) 41 (3.5) 30 (4.6)
 Married 6097 (82.6) 462 (79.7) 1457 (82.3) 2137 (82.7) 1057 (84.7) 984 (82.1) 3635 (82.4) 945 (83.5) 984 (83.1) 533 (81.7)
 Widow(er)/divorced/separated 974 (13.2) 76 (13.1) 243 (13.7) 343 (13.3) 144 (11.5) 168 (14.0) 581 (13.2) 145 (12.8) 159 (13.4) 89 (13.7)
Tea consumption (cups/day)
 0 4413 (59.8) 181 (31.2) 721 (40.7) 1595 (61.7) 935 (74.9) 981 (81.8)
 1 1132 (15.3) 103 (17.8) 436 (24.6) 398 (15.4) 120 (9.6) 75 (6.3)
 2 1184 (16.0) 119 (20.5) 397 (22.4) 438 (17.0) 139 (11.1) 91 (7.6)
 ≥3 652 (8.8) 177 (30.5) 216 (12.2) 153 (5.9) 54 (4.3) 52 (4.3)
Coffee consumption (cups/day)
 0–1 580 (7.9) 181 (4.1) 103 (9.1) 119 (10.1) 177 (27.1)
 2–3 1770 (24.0) 721 (16.3) 436 (38.5) 397 (33.5) 216 (33.1)
 4–5 2584 (35.0) 1595 (36.1) 398 (35.2) 438 (37.0) 153 (23.5)
 6–7 1248 (16.9) 935 (21.2) 120 (10.6) 139 (11.7) 54 (8.3)
 ≥8 1199 (16.2) 981 (22.2) 75 (6.6) 91 (7.7) 52 (8.0)
BMI (kg/m2)
 <25 2449 (33.2) 223 (38.4) 613 (34.6) 853 (33.0) 383 (30.7) 377 (31.4) 1392 (31.5) 407 (36.0) 403 (34.0) 247 (37.9)
 25–29.9 3759 (51.0) 272 (46.9) 888 (50.2) 1317 (51.0) 671 (53.8) 611 (51.0) 2286 (51.8) 575 (50.8) 597 (50.4) 301 (46.2)
 30–34.9 939 (12.7) 61 (10.5) 210 (11.9) 333 (12.9) 163 (13.1) 172 (14.3) 597 (13.5) 113 (10.0) 146 (12.3) 83 (12.7)
 ≥35 234 (3.2) 24 (4.1) 59 (3.3) 81 (3.1) 31 (2.5) 39 (3.3) 138 (3.1) 37 (3.3) 38 (3.2) 21 (3.2)
Alcohol (units/week) 1.71 ± 2.22 1.27 ± 2.13 1.61 ± 2.19 1.68 ± 2.13 1.78 ± 2.07 2.06 ± 2.58 1.78 ± 2.36 1.68 ± 2.02 1.50 ± 1.94 1.65 ± 2.12
PA (MET-h/week)
 ≤8.3 3930 (53.2) 303 (52.2) 908 (51.3) 1363 (52.7) 672 (53.8) 684 (57.0) 2439 (55.3) 558 (49.3) 618 (52.2) 315 (48.3)
 8.3–16.6 2273 (30.8) 168 (29.0) 575 (32.5) 812 (31.4) 393 (31.5) 325 (27.1) 1302 (29.5) 383 (33.8) 369 (31.2) 219 (33.6)
 >16.6 1178 (16.0) 109 (18.8) 287 (16.2) 409 (15.8) 183 (14.7) 190 (15.8) 672 (15.2) 191 (16.9) 197 (16.6) 118 (18.1)
 Never 3305 (44.8) 402 (69.3) 1028 (58.1) 1186 (45.9) 441 (35.3) 248 (20.7) 1682 (38.1) 636 (56.2) 638 (53.9) 349 (53.5)
 Previous 2579 (34.9) 133 (22.9) 571 (32.3) 943 (36.5) 481 (38.5) 451 (37.6) 1608 (36.4) 351 (31.0) 395 (33.4) 225 (34.5)
 Current 1497 (20.3) 45 (7.8) 171 (9.7) 455 (17.6) 326 (26.1) 500 (41.7) 1123 (25.4) 145 (12.8) 151 (12.8) 78 (12.0)
DM, yes 141 (1.9) 14 (2.4) 32 (1.8) 49 (1.9) 29 (2.3) 17 (1.4) 69 (1.6) 25 (2.2) 31 (2.6) 16 (2.5)
CVD, at least one 179 (2.4) 11 (1.9) 43 (2.4) 59 (2.3) 26 (2.1) 40 (3.3) 120 (2.7) 25 (2.2) 20 (1.7) 14 (2.1)
ApoE4 carrier status, positive 2101 (30.0) 182 (33.1) 480 (28.7) 721 (29.4) 368 (31.1) 350 (30.3) 1255 (29.8) 315 (29.1) 348 (31.2) 183 (30.0)
Cognitive status
 No CI 3840 (55.1) 331 (61.1) 927 (55.8) 1344 (55.1) 636 (53.6) 602 (53.0) 2230 (53.7) 636 (59.0) 617 (55.2) 357 (58.1)
 MCI 2552 (36.7) 177 (32.7) 584 (35.2) 896 (36.7) 448 (37.8) 447 (39.4) 1571 (37.8) 358 (33.2) 412 (36.9) 211 (34.4)
 Dementia, all causes 985 (13.4) 71 (12.2) 259 (14.6) 343 (13.3) 163 (13.1) 149 (12.4) 610 (13.8) 136 (12.0) 155 (13.1) 84 (12.9)
 AD 572 (8.2) 34 (6.3) 150 (9.0) 200 (8.2) 102 (8.6) 86 (7.6) 354 (8.5) 84 (7.8) 88 (7.9) 46 (7.5)

Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation or number (%). Abbreviations: AD = Alzheimer’s disease; BMI = body mass index; CI = cognitive impairment; CVD = cardiovascular diseases; DM = diabetes mellitus; MCI = mild cognitive impairment; PA = physical activity.