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. 2023 Feb 9;13(6):368–379. doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibac092

Table 2.

Behavior Change Content in Ready Steady 3.0: Intended types, roles, and dosages, by behavior change content bundle and intervention content component

Intervention Content Components Type Dosage
Behavior Change Content Bundles BCTs as coded using BCTT v1 BCT Role Duration (Weeks) Frequency (Contacts) Amount (Minutes)
Interpersonal Behavior Change 1.2 Problem Solving (environment) Primary 7 2 32
NA. Information Secondary 7 2 4
6.2 Social comparison Secondary 7 2 22
12.1 Restructuring the Physical Environment Secondary 7 2
12.2 Restructuring the Social Environment Secondary 7 2
8.1 Behavior Practice/Rehearsal Secondary 7 2
4.4 Behavioral Experiments Secondary 7 1 6
8.6 Generalization of Behavior Secondary 7 2
6.2 Social Comparison Primary 6 2 30
NA. Information Secondary 6 2 4
3.1 Social Support (unspecified) Secondary 6 2 19
8.1 Behavioral Practice/ Rehearsal Secondary 6 2
8.6 Generalization of Behavior Secondary 6 1 7
7.1 Prompts and Cues (for exercise) Primary 5 2 30
NA. Information Secondary 5 2 6
6.2 Social Comparison Secondary 5 2 16
1.2 Problem-solving Secondary 5 2
8.1 Behavioral Practice/ Rehearsal Secondary 5 2
4.4 Behavioral Experiments Secondary 5 1 8
8.6 Generalization of Behavior Secondary 5 2
3.1 Social Support (unspecified) Primary 4 1 17
NA. Information Secondary 4 1 2
6.2 Social Comparison Secondary 4 1 12
8.1 Behavioral Practice/ Rehearsal Secondary 4 1
8.6 Generalization of Behavior Secondary 4 1 3
13.1 Identification of Self as a Role Model Primary 3 1 6
NA. Information Secondary 3 1 1
6.2 Social Comparison Secondary 3 1 5
Intrapersonal Behavior Change 1.2 Problem Solving (personal) Primary 7 2 32
NA. Information Secondary 7 2 4
6.2 Social Comparison Secondary 7 2 22
8.1 Behavioral Practice/Rehearsal Secondary 7 2
4.4 Behavioral Experiments Secondary 7 2 6
8.6 Generalization of Behavior Secondary 7 1
1.3 Goal Setting (outcome) Primary 6 2 16
NA. Information Secondary 6 2 5
12.5 Adding Objects to the Environment Secondary 6 2
6.1 Demonstration of Behavior Secondary 6 1 8
NA. Reflection: writing personal goals Secondary 6 2
8.1 Behavioral Practice/Rehearsal Secondary 6 2
8.6 Generalization of Behavior Secondary 3
8.3 Habit Formation Primary 5 2 31
NA. Information Secondary 5 2 8
12.5 Adding Objects to the Environment Secondary 5 2
6.1 Demonstration of the Behavior Secondary 5 1 15
15.2 Mental Rehearsal Secondary 5 1
1.2 Problem Solving Secondary 5 1
8.1 Behavioral Practice/Rehearsal Secondary 5 2
8.6 Generalization of Behavior Secondary 5 2 8
1.4 Action Planning Primary 4 1 16
NA. Information Secondary 4 1 5
12.5 Adding Objects to the Environment Secondary 4 1
1.7 Review Outcome Goals Secondary 4 1 7
NA. Reflection: write action plans, adjust goals prn Secondary 4 1
6.1 Demonstration of Behavior Secondary 4 1
8.1 Behavioral Practice/Rehearsal Secondary 4 1
8.6 Generalization of Behavior Secondary 4 1 4
1.7 Review Outcome Goals Primary 2 1 16
NA. Information Secondary 2 1 5
12.5 Adding Objects to the Environment Secondary 2 1
1.6 Discrepancy Between Current Behavior and Goal Secondary 2 1 7
NA. Reflection: Adjust goals & plans Secondary 2 1
6.1 Demonstration of Behavior Secondary 2 1
8.1 Behavioral Practice/Rehearsal Secondary 2 1
8.6 Generalization of Behavior Secondary 2 1 4
Physical Activity Protocol 8.1 Behavior Practice/Rehearsal Primary 8 8 451
4.1 Instruction on how to perform behavior Secondary 8 8 41
3.2 Social Support (practical) Secondary 8 8 16
6.1 Demonstrating of the behavior Secondary 8 8 41
8.1 Behavior Practice/Rehearsal Secondary 8 8 315
8.6 Generalization of Behavior Secondary 8 8 38
Physical Activity Monitor 2.3 Self-monitoring of behavior Primary 8 8 25
NA. Information Secondary 8 8 10
12.5 Adding objects to the environment Secondary 8 8 15

Notes. BCTT v1 = Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy (ref); BCT = Behavior Change Technique, Primary = BCT whose primary purpose is to target the theoretical psychosocial mechanism of action in the study to help participants perform Ready Steady 3.0 physical activities in their free-living contexts; Supplementary = BCTs that are used as tactics for delivering the primary BCTs; Light Shade = amount differentiated as the behavioral prescription of ascertain (to receive and understand information about the primary BCT); Medium Shade = amount differentiated as the behavioral prescription of practice (to practice the primary BCT during an intervention contact/ meeting); Darker Shade = amount differentiated as the behavioral prescription of implement (to use the primary BCT outside the intervention meetings, in participants’ free-living contexts).