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. 2023 Jun 9;14:3412. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-38567-6

Fig. 4. Reconstruction of the antifreeze locus.

Fig. 4

a Reconstructed physical map of the antifreeze locus for three notothenioid species: (1) C. gobio, which represents the ancestral state of the locus, (2) D. mawsoni, and (3) P. georgianus, which represent derived loci. The C. gobio and D. mawsoni loci are shown at the same scale, and the P. georgianus locus is shown in half scale and reverse orientation. Coloured triangles represent different genes and lilac rectangles represent afgp copies (see gene index). afgp: antifreeze glycoprotein genes, tlp: trypsinogen-like protease, tryp1: trypsinogen1, tryp3: trypsinogen3 (both tryp1 and tryp3 are prss59 homologues), tomm40: translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 40 homolog, hsl: hormone sensitive lipase (lipeb), afgp/tlp: chimeric afgp and tlp gene. b Cladogram of the three species analysed, with total length of locus, repeat content (%), number of afgp gene copies, and number of transposon copies annotated in each species locus (including DNA, LINE, LTRs, and SINE elements). Colours represent different TE classes as shown in legend. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.