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. 2023 Jun 10;23:613. doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09624-z

Table 3.

Financial and economic costs of resources and infrastructure improvements to prepare for immediate KMC (all costs in USD, 2020)

Lifespan (years) Hospital-1 Hospital-2 Hospital-3 Hospital-4 Hospital-5 ALL HOSPITALS
Total cost Annualised cost Total cost Annualised cost Total cost Annualised cost Total cost Annualised cost Total cost Annualised cost Total cost Annualised cost
Financial costs
Planning and design
  Tendering and contracting 20 12,222 822 12,222 822 21,765 1,463 14,231 957 21,765 1,463 82,205 5,527
  Scoping of work 20 5,016 337 5,016 337 1,005 68 1,005 68 1,005 68 13,047 878
  Design 20 502 34 502 34 837 56 502 34 837 56 3,180 214
  Site survey and inspection 20 1,507 101 1,507 101 1,507 101 1,507 101 1,507 101 7,535 505
  Meetings 20 9,041 608 9,041 608 11,050 743 9,041 608 11,050 743 49,223 3,310
  Transportation for site visits 20 NA NA 3,156 212 2,569 173 NA NA 2,128 143 7,853 528
  Sub-total (planning and design) NA 28,288 (29) 1,902 (23) 31,444 (30) 2,114 (25) 38,733 (39) 2,604 (32) 26,286 (58) 1,768 (46) 38,292 (34) 2,574 (29) 163,043 (35) 10,962 (29)
Infrastructure improvements
  Construction of new neonatal unit 20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 47,045 3,162 47,045 3,162
  Extension/remodelling of existing neonatal unit 20 NA NA NA NA 30,881 2,076 1,142 77 NA NA 32,023 2,153
  Repurposing of space for neonatal unit 20 28,591 1,922 29,600 1,990 NA NA NA NA NA NA 58,191 3,912
  Rental of office space 20 144 10 144 10 144 10 NA NA 144 10 576 40
  Sub-total (infrastructure improvements) NA 28,735 (29) 1,932 (24) 29,744 (29) 2,000 (24) 31,025 (31) 2,086 (26) 1,142 (3) 77 (2) 47,189 (41) 3,172 (36) 137,835 (30) 9,267 (25)
Clinical equipmenta
  KMC adjustable bedb 5 476 104 1,189 260 1,189 260 2,326 508 1,189 260 6,369 1,392
  Oxygen concentratorc 3 1,224 433 1,224 433 1,224 433 1,386 490 1,224 433 6,282 2,222
  Masimo Rad-8© pulse oximeter 7 7,225 1,160 4,516 725 5,419 870 0 0 4,516 725 21,676 3,480
  Masimo LNC-04 patient cable 7 744 119 744 119 558 90 0 0 465 75 2,511 403
  Glucose meter 3 30 11 30 11 30 11 0 0 30 11 120 44
  Digital baby weighing scaled 3 857 303 857 303 854 302 0 0 857 303 3,425 1,211
  Neonatal measuring mate 3 47 17 47 17 47 17 0 0 47 17 188 68
  Neonatal ventilation bag and mask 3 23 8 23 8 23 8 23 8 0 0 92 32
  Digital axillary thermometer 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 0 0 9 3 36 12
  Paediatric stethoscope 3 175 62 175 62 175 62 0 0 175 62 700 248
  Training on KMC and clinical guidelines 35 306 14 1,336 62 1,374 64 0 0 1,803 84 4,819 224
  Neonatal resuscitator 5 23 5 23 5 23 5 23 5 0 0 92 20
  Penguin newborn suction 3 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 0 0 40 16
  NeoNatalie© manikinf 3 92 33 92 33 92 33 92 33 0 0 368 132
  PreemieNatalie© manikinf 3 66 23 66 23 66 23 66 23 0 0 264 92
  Sub-total (clinical equipment) NA 11,307 (11) 2,299 (28) 10,341 (10) 2,068 (25) 11,093 (11) 2,185 (27) 3,926 (9) 1,071 (28) 10,315 (9) 1,973 (22) 46,982 (10) 9,596 (26)
  Sub-total (financial cost) NA 68,330 (69) 6,133 (75) 71,529 (69) 6,182 (74) 80,851 (81) 6,875 (85) 31,354 (70) 2,916 (76) 95,796 (84) 7,719 (86) 347,860 (75) 29,825 (80)
Additional economic costs
  Planning and designg 20 8,232 553 11,388 765 11,522 774 7,048 474 11,081 745 49,271 3,311
  Trainingh 20 6,649 447 7,175 482 7,077 476 6,649 447 7,004 471 34,554 2,323
  Donated spacei 20 16,219 1,090 13,392 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,611 1,990
  Sub-total (additional economic costs) NA 31,100 (31) 2,090 (25) 31,955 (31) 2,147 (26) 18,599 (19) 1,250 (15) 13,697 (30) 921 (24) 18,085 (16) 1,216 (14) 113,436 (25) 7,624 (20)
  Total economic cost NA 99,430 8,223 103,484 8,329 99,450 8,125 45,051 3,837 113,881 8,935 461,296 37,449

KMC Kangaroo mother care, NA Not applicable, USD United States Dollars. Costs were annualised using a discount rate of 3%, [24] and assumptions about the lifespan of capital improvements, equipment, and activities. Column percentages indicate the proportion of total economic costs for each hospital

aClinical equipment and durable goods that were essential to allow safe implementation of immediate KMC, in accordance with the OMWaNA trial protocol [16]

bE3A India Narag adjustable bed, Crown Health Care Ltd., Kampala, Uganda

cUSA Airsep oxygen concentrator, Crown Health Care Ltd., Kampala, Uganda

dSeca 384 digital weighing scale

eSeca 210 neonatal measuring mat

fLeardal NeoNatalie© and PreemieNatalie© neonatal resuscitation manikins

gTime spent by hospital staff away from normal duties to attend meetings or inspect the study sites

hTime spent by the trainers away from normal duties to conduct staff training

iCalculated as the difference between financial costs of renovations and economic costs to construct a new space of equivalent size, estimated using the unit financial cost of improvements at Hospital-5