Figure 4.
Normalized changes in the total Lo phase area and Ld-Lo height difference on phase-separated SLBs having different types of azo-sphingolipids upon application of UV-A (λ = 365 nm) and blue (λ = 470 nm) lights. Fluorescence confocal (A) and AFM (B) images of DOPC:Chol:SM:photolipid (10:6.7:5:5 mol ratio) SLBs with sphingosine-based Azo-Cer, phytosphingosine-based Azo-PhCer, or 3-OH-blocked sphingosine-based Azo-THP-Cer, all having the same –OH headgroup but distinct sphingoid backbone. Normalized Lo areas (C) and Ld-Lo height differences (D), respectively, recovered from fluorescence confocal and AFM data for phase-separated SLBs having either azo-(phyto)sphingolipids with free 3-OH (marked in green), no azo-sphingolipid (controls with SM, marked in yellow), or THP-protected azo-sphingolipids with the 3-OH blocked (marked in red). Error bars correspond to standard error of the mean (n = 5–8 confocal images each). Statistical analysis: cis-photolipids versus no photolipid (∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗∗p < 0.005, ∗p < 0.05). See Figs. S9 and S11 for details. To see this figure in color, go online.