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. 2023 May 24;44(7):2561–2574. doi: 10.1007/s10072-023-06836-3

Table 2.

Studies about laser evoked potentials (LEPs) in fibromyalgia (FM) and healthy controls (HC) published within the last 5 years. In bracket, disease duration in years is reported, when available

Authors Methods Subjects Results Significance
De Tommaso et al. (2017) CO2 laser stimulation 50 FM (7.2 ± 6.21 y) and 30 HC Reduced habituation of vertex LEPs Finding supporting abnormal central elaboration of pain
Fasolino et al. (2020) Nd:YAP laser stimulation 57 FM (7 ± 8.5 y) Normal LEP parameters in patients with and without small-fiber pathology Finding suggesting that small-fiber pathology has a negligible impact on somatosensory system function in fibromyalgia
Van Assche et al. (2020) CO2 laser stimulation 92 FM 39 HC Normal LEP parameters Finding suggesting that small-fiber neuropathy is not a significant contributor to the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia
Vecchio et al. (2020) CO2 laser stimulation 81 FM (10.69 ± 8.16 y) Abnormal habituation index and correlation with reduced IENFD at the thigh Finding suggesting central impairment of pain processing and association with mild proximal small-fiber pathology
Vecchio et al. (2022) CO2 laser stimulation 37 FM (10.27 ± 7.17 y) (22 patients with proximal denervation, 18 with normal skin biopsy, and 7 with proximal and distal IENFD reduction

Reduced amplitude of the P2 component, not coherent with the site of denervation

Decreased habituation of P2 prevailing in patients with reduced IENFD

Finding suggesting that LEP abnormalities are not the expression of small-fiber impairment in fibromyalgia

Sympathetic skin response — SSR — and autonomic assessment (heart rate variability-HRV)