Table 2. PpsR, FnrL and IHF binding sites in the PGC.
1Nucleotide locations are relatively positioned from the start codon of the gene. + and – are designated for nucleotide position downstream from the start site in the coding sequence and in the upstream sequence of the gene, respectively. Some of the PpsR sites are listed twice. In R.sphaeroides: +623 in the bchM gene is the same as –26 upstream of orf479; –221 upstream of bchF is the same as –82 upstream of ppaA; +993 in the ppsR is the same as –533 upstream of bchE; –94 upstream of crtA is the same as –49 upstream of crtI; –82 upstream of crtD is the same as –73 upstream of crtI; +491 in the bchZ is the same as –965 upstream of pufQ. In R.capsulatus: –82 upstream of bchN is the same as +414 in the bchF; –21 upstream of crtA is the same as –120 upstream of crtI; –68 upstream of crtD is the same as –52 upstream of crtE; +2534 in the bchH is the same as –1066 upstream of bchL; +494 in the bchZ is the same as in –964 upstream of pufQ; +473 in the pufL is the same as –352 upstream of pufM.