Abluminal passage of the wire into the stent lumen during:
1) SB/aSB rewiring
2) MV rewiring
Proximal 2nd POT was not performed in Step 2 (as indicated3 when the pMV stent is longer than the POT balloon length) which was responsible for stent malapposition in the proximal segment of pMV stent:
1) SB/aSB rewiring with a 3rd wire
2) MV rewiring because:
the distal MV wire was intentionally removed with a pullback manoeuvre for a distal rewiring of the SB/aSB
the dMV guidewire was accidentally removed
Proximal re-POT followed by:
1) SB/aSB rewiring with a 3rd wire preferably assisted by a dual lumen microcatheter
2) MV rewiring
Proximal 2nd POT when required in Step 2
Difficulty in removing the jailed wire causing:
1) Fracture of the jailed wire
2) Longitudinal deformation of the MV stent (a) LM vs (b) non-LM
See the mechanisms of the same problem in Step 2
See the solutions of the same problem in Step 2
See the preventive measures of the same problem in Step 2
dMV: distal main vessel; LM: left main; MV: main vessel; pMV: proximal main vessel; POT: proximal optimisation technique; PS: provisional stenting; SB/aSB: side branch/assigned side branch