A) Unexposed, wild-type flies that die of starvation do not exhibit a burst in activity beginning 2.5 hr prior to their last movement, and (
C) do not exhibit specific circadian timing of death. Flies in this experiment were provided with non-nutritive agar instead of food at position y = 0. (
B) Unexposed, wild-type flies that die of desiccation do not exhibit a burst in locomotor activity beginning 2.5 hr prior to their last movement, and (
D) do not exhibit specific circadian timing of death. Flies in this experiment were provided food nor agar at position y = 0. (
E) Mean y position of zombie flies diverges from survivors beginning around 24 hr prior to death when nutritive food is positioned at y = 1. (
F) Compared to survivors, zombie flies prefer nutritive (5% sucrose, 1.5% agar) over non-nutritive (0% sucrose, 1.5% agar) media in their final 12 hours of life prior to the onset of summiting at 2.5 hours before death. (
G) Zombie flies housed on non-nutritive food for their final 24 hr do not exhibit summiting behavior and (
H) show typical timing of last death (compare to
Figure 1E). (
I) When housed in tall arenas (13 cm) with food placed in the middle, zombie flies tend to move slightly upward when the arena is tilted at 30°, but not 0°. Zombies in arenas at both angles exhibit a burst of speed prior to death (bottom). (
J, K) Summit metric (see
Figure 1I) does not vary for zombies housed in chambers at 0° versus 30° in tall or standard chambers. (
L) Summit metric for female versus male Canton-S zombies. (
M) Distribution of estimated effect size of sex on summiting. For (
A, B, E-K), diagrams depicting behavior arena setup are shown above corresponding plots. For L and M, behavior arenas were in standard configuration (as in
Figure 1F)* = p<0.05; **=p<0.01; *** p<0.001 by two-tailed t-test.