A–D) Mean speed of unexposed flies with thermogenetically activated DN1p or R19G10 neurons (solid line) versus sibling controls (dashed line) separated by sex. The presence or absence of light is indicated below the horizontal axis with a yellow or black bar, respectively. The measured temperature of the room is shown as a heat map below the light cue indicator. Shaded regions are +/− 1 standard error. For A and B, Clk4.1-Gal4 was used to drive expression in DN1ps. (
E and
F) Kernel density estimates of the distribution of log-speed for R19G10 >CsChrimson flies with (
F) or without (
E) of dietary all trans retinal (ATR) in the presence of absence of 5 Hz pulsed red light stimulus (OFF and ON, respectively). A bimodal distribution of speeds is observed regardless of ATR and light treatment. The lower peak (centered around 0) corresponds to non-walking and the higher peak (centered around 6mm/s) corresponds to walking flies. (
G) Mean speed across flies of unexposed R19G10>CsChrimson flies before and after the second presentation of red light in the experiment described in
Figure 2K. ATR+ flies show a smaller increase in locomotion upon red light stimulus, consistent with CsChrimson depolarization block or adaptation within the stimulated circuit.