Figure 3. Genetic silencing of tumor cell-intrinsic Cxcl1 overcomes T-cell exclusion and controls tumor growth in a CD8+ T-cell dependent manner in-vivo.
A, Violin plot representing difference in primary tumor weights in C57/BL6 mice orthotopically-injected with KPCEV or KPC-Cxcl1KO tumor-cells (n=20/group; left), with representative images of tumors from each group showing phenotypic reproducibility (n=5 each; right); B, Kaplan-Meier curves showing overall survival of KPC-Cxcl1KO and KPCEV orthotopically-injected mice (n=15; median 48 vs. 21 days); C, Bubble plot visualizing differentially upregulated pathways (using KEGG and Reactome knowledgebases) in 3-week whole-tumor transcriptomes from KPCEV compared with KPC-Cxcl1KO orthotopic tumors via RNA-sequencing (n=3 biologic replicates); D, Volcano plot depicting significantly enriched genes related to immune regulation in KPCEV (Cxcl1, Vegfa, Il6, Csf2), and KPC-Cxcl1KO (Cxcl10, Gzmb, Cxcr3, Cxcl9, Cd96, Cd3d, Cd4, Ciita, H2-Eb1); E, Pie charts showing relative proportions of immune-cell fractions of macrophages (Mϕ), PMN-MDSC, CD4+ T-cells, and CD8+ T-cells using CIBERSORT immune deconvolution from transcriptomes in KPCEV vs. KPC-Cxcl1KO tumors (n=3 biologic replicates per group); F-G, viSNE contour plots of flow cytometric immunophenotyping in concatenated single-cell suspensions from KPCEV or KPC-Cxcl1KO orthotopic tumors (left), with adjacent violin plots (right) representing absolute cell counts of PMN-MDSC, CXCR2+ PMN-MDSC, monocytic MDSC (moMDSC), M2-like macrophage (F), CD4+ T-cells and CD8+ T-cells (G), and central memory T-cells, effector memory T-cells, degranulating CD8+ T-cells (H) from each biologic replicate (n=6–8/group); I, Schematic of experimental design utilizing CD8+ T-cell neutralizing antibodies (CD8neuAb) in C57Bl/6 mice or CD8α−/− transgenic mice (B6.Cd8atm1Mak; CD8KO) for orthotopic injections; J, Representative ultrasound images from mice in each treatment group showing tumor growth dynamics in vivo; K-L, tumor growth curves (K) and Kaplan-Meier survival estimates (L) from mice across 5 groups in T-cell depletion experiments (n=10 mice/group), with median survival (MS) of each cohort indicated in parentheses.