A. thaliana wild-type (WT, Col-0) and the eto1-1 mutant plants were grown under ambient CO2 (400 ppm) for five-weeks and then measured for their (a) Ethylene levels using gas chromatography and (b) stomatal conductance responses to [CO2]-shifts. (a) Potted plants were split into two groups and incubated at either low CO2 (150 ppm) or high CO2 (900 ppm) for 100 min. Ethylene production was then quantified using gas chromatography. Data present the mean of three independent experiments (n=8 plants in each experiment, for each line and condition). Letters indicate statistical differences between lines and treatment (P < 0.05, Two-way ANOVA). (b, c, d) Stomatal conductance of wild-type (WT, Col-0) and eto1-1 A. thaliana mutant leaves from intact plants in response to shifts in imposed [CO2] as indicated at the bottom (ppm). (b) Shown are mean (±SEM) of n=4 leaves from individual plants per genotype. (c) Stomatal conductance (in panel b) was normalized to the stomatal conductance at 360 ppm [CO2] before shifting to 800 ppm [CO2]. (d) Changes in absolute stomatal conductance (mean ± SEM) were calculated at the indicated time points based on the data presented in panel b (t1=stomatal conductance at 360 ppm [CO2], t2=10 min following exposure to 800 ppm [CO2], t3=20 min following exposure to 800 ppm [CO2], t4=25 min following exposure to 100 ppm [CO2], t5=50 min following exposure to 100 ppm [CO2]). Statistical analyses were done using unpaired Student’s t tests between the wild-type and the mutant line, P-value is presented above/under columns. Comparable findings were made in additional independent experiments, using a different [CO2]-shift protocol, where the gas exchanged leaf was exposed to ambient, low and then high CO2 (Fig. S3).