Microvascular changes within MCA/129 fibrosarcoma tumours post radiation treatment in WT and S1P-treated mice. (A) Anti-CD31 antibody staining of endothelial cells lining blood vessels allowed for visualization of MCA/129 mouse fibrosarcoma tumours in WT or S1P-treated mice. Scale bar: 40 µm. (B,C) Individual vessels were quantified to measure microvascular density (MVD) under a 10× objective lens for WT (B) and S1P-treated (C) groups. For WT mice: 0 Gy (n=13), 10 Gy/5F (n=8), 20 Gy/5F (n=20), USMB only (n=9), 10 Gy/5F+USMB (n=5), 20 Gy/5F+USMB (n=7). For S1P-treated mice: 0 Gy (n=6), 10 Gy/5F (n=10), 20 Gy/5F (n=5), USMB only (n=5), 10 Gy/5F+USMB (n=5), 20 Gy/5F+USMB (n=6). Error bars represent mean±s.e.m. Statistical analysis was using Welch's two-tailed unpaired t-test. *P<0.05; **P<0.005.