Figure 1. Structural Equation Model.
A structural equation model evaluated developmental differences in reward learning performance and executive functioning, and moderation of developmental differences by mood symptom severity. The reward learning performance factor was estimated across probabilistic reward task discriminability (PRT-DIS), instrumental learning task accuracy (ILT-ACC), and bandit task learning rate (BAN-LRN). The executive functioning factor was estimated across antisaccade accuracy (ANT-ACC), color-shape task reaction time switch cost (reversed for display, CSS-SWC), and spatial 2-back accuracy (S2B-ACC). The model tested the predictive linear and quadratic effects of pubertal stage (Pubertal Development Scale scores, PDS) and age on reward learning performance, and moderation of pubertal effects on reward learning performance by severity of manic symptoms (General Behavior Inventory-Mania/Hypomania scale, GBI-MH) and severity of anhedonic symptoms (Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire- Anhedonic Loss of Interest subscale, MASQ-AD). The model also tested predictive linear and quadratic effects of pubertal stage and age on executive functioning, and moderation of age effects on executive functioning by severity of manic or anhedonic symptoms. Note: Heavy lines with standardized estimates indicate significant path effects at *p<0.05.