Group sequential designs
Designs that allow for one or more prospectively planned interim analyses of trial data with prespecified criteria for stopping the trial, generally based upon evidence of efficacy/effectiveness or futility |
Trial can stop early, reducing overall sample size
Results can be disseminated more quickly if trial stops early
Adapting the sample size
When uncertainty exists around the estimates used to power a study, an interim analysis can use accumulating data to re-estimate the sample size to ensure a trial has high power if the true magnitude was less than hypothesized but is still clinically meaningful |
Reduces chance of a negative trial with a meaningful effect by increasing the sample size to have sufficient power
Blinded approaches and re-estimation of nuisance parameters minimally impact type I error rates
Adaptive enrichment
A design which may adapt the patient population to a targeted subgroup (usually through demographic characteristics or by genetic/pathophysiologic markers believed to be related to the mechanism of action) or continue to enroll the participants from the originally specified trial population |
Can refine eligibility criteria to enroll subgroups most likely to benefit from the intervention
Approaches exist for both prognostic (identifying high-risk patients) and predictive (identifying more responsive patients) enrichment
Subgroups may be small (i.e., rare or hard to enroll) and challenging to determine benefit
Choice of demographic characteristics or genetic markers may lead to different subgroups
Adaptations to treatment arm selection
Modification to the trial design that could add or terminate study arms, present in both early phase studies (e.g., dose-finding) and later phase studies (e.g., seamless designs and platform trials) |
Extremely flexible to terminate study arms (for futility or efficacy) and add new arms
Shared control arm, if used, may increase allocation to study interventions
Can use a single master protocol versus multiple standalone trials
Multiple comparisons may lead to issues with type I error rates
Criteria for terminating arms or adding new arms may be complex
Overall resource use may be challenging to plan for given unknown number of arms and sample size
Adapting patient allocation
Also known as adaptive randomization (AR), the incorporation of methods to modify the randomization process that may be based on baseline covariates (i.e., to achieve “balance” in select covariates across study arms), response/outcome AR (i.e., attempting to randomize more participants to “effective” arms), or maintaining equal amounts of information when incorporating historic/supplemental data sources |
Covariate-AR only uses baseline characteristics to promote balance across groups
Response-AR increases probability of allocation to better-performing study arms
AR when incorporating external control arm data can increase allocation to the intervention to maintain a desired allocation (e.g., 1:1)
Need to account for Covariate-AR in the statistical analysis plan
Response-AR has special challenges with temporal trends, two-arm studies, & potential unblinding of study arms
To incorporate external data advanced statistical approaches are needed and this supplemental data may introduce bias
Adapting endpoint selection
The ability to select one endpoint from a collection of potential primary endpoints when there is uncertainty about effect sizes across outcomes at an interim analysis, when done in FDA trials it involves extensive discussion and the review with the FDA Review Division |
Not recommended by the EMA
FDA recommends review and discussion with regulatory authorities
May be seen as cherry picking an outcome that makes the intervention look good
Adapting multiple features
The above elements can be utilized individually or may be combined within a single adaptive trial design (at the expense of increasing complexity that needs to be carefully and thoroughly evaluated) |