Extended Data Fig. 6. Overlap between educational attainment GWAS (Lee et al.5) locus on chromosome 1 and ADGBR2 identified in PTV burden analysis in UKB.
Regional plot of educational attainment GWAS association test results were generated around top independent SNP rs10798888. Additional associations from GWAS catalog were annotated with the associated phenotypes in the regional plot. EDU and VNR score for ADGRB2 PTV carriers in UKB were plotted (both phenotypes were residualized by sex, age, age2, sex by age, sex by age2, top 20 PCs and recruitment centers and were inverse rank-based normal transformed). Samples with inpatient ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases version-10) records of psychiatric, neurodegenerative, and neurodevelopmental disorders were annotated. The blue line (for EDU) and red line (for VNR) represent fitted loess regression on standardized, residualized phenotypes. The gray bands represent 95% confidence intervals for the fitted loess regression.