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. 2019 Jul 8;22(14):2670–2681. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019001599

Table 1.

Baseline key sociodemographic characteristics of SMG and comparison households and mothers, Kalalé district, northern Benin (January–March 2014)

Variable SMG WG
(n 184)
Comparison WG
(n 126)
(n 228)
Comparison NWG
(n 233)
Mother/caregiver characteristics
 Age (years), mean 31·92a 29·69a 29·41a 28·74b <0·001
  sd 7·73 6·49 6·25 6·03
 Mother’s education (%) NS
  No formal education 90·50 89·43 89·29 89·61
  Primary or less 4·47 7·32 5·36 4·33
  Secondary 5·03 3·25 5·36 5·63
  University or more 0 0 0 0·43
 Mother’s occupation§ (%) NS
  Agricultural/other labour 80·33 83·18 75·20 80·52
  Service/business 18·03 13·64 20·80 16·88
  Others 1·64 3·18 4·00 2·60
Household characteristics
 Household size, mean 7·21a 8·59a 6·91b 7·58a <0·001
  sd 3·05 4·32 3·15 4·00
 Religion (%) NS
  Muslim 90·66 88·80 92·02 95·20
  Others 9·34 11·20 7·98 4·80
 Ethnicity (%) NS
  Gando 30·22 34·40 32·39 32·46
  Boo 39·56 35·20 35·68 29·82
  Peulh 17·58 17·60 18·31 16·23
  Bariba 11·54 9·60 8·92 14·91
  Others 1·10 3·20 4·69 6·58
 Health and sanitation (%)
  Latrines 17·98 8·26 11·85 7·59 0·007
  Improved source of water 73·77 74·40 69·33 68·50 NS
 Electricity connection (%) 13·21 2·48 10·61 2·23 <0·001
 Food insecurity (%) 17·32 16·00 12·02 20·09 NS
 Health-care insecurity (%) 37·29 36·00 21·46 32·46 0·003
 Socio-economic status (%) 0·005
  Low 17·79 24·11 21·57 29·15
  Middle 49·08 53·57 48·04 54·27
  High 33·13 22·32 30·39 16·58

SMG, Solar Market Garden; WG, women’s group; NWG, non-women’s group; NS, P > 0·05.

Comparison between SMG and comparison groups using ANOVA (mean) and χ2 (%).

Tukey–Kramer pairwise comparisons; a,bvalues within a row with unlike superscript letters were significantly different (P < 0·05).


Agricultural/other labour = farming, livestock and hunting; services/business = small commerce, services, salaried employees and manual workers; others = students and unemployed/retired.

Improved source of water included water from a tap and other sources that were treated.