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. 2018 Apr 3;21(11):2128–2141. doi: 10.1017/S1368980018000617

Table 1.

Characteristics of the sample of Mayan Achí people (154 randomly selected children aged 6–60 months and their 127 caregivers) from six rural villages in Guatemala, March–July 2016

Village A Village B Village C Village D Village E Village F Total
Characteristic Median or Mean IQR or sd Median or Mean IQR or sd Median or Mean IQR or sd Median or Mean IQR or sd Median or Mean IQR or sd Median or Mean IQR or sd Median or Mean IQR or sd
Distance to market (km)* 6·8 8·2 9·5 10·2 13·4 15·2
Altitude (masl)* 1345 1400 1610 1580 1750 1805
Distance to nearest river (km)* 0·1 1·0 0·6 2·6 0·8 1·7
Household characteristics
No. of households 21 26 27 13 17 23 127
No. of household members 6·0 4·0 7·0 4·0 6·0 1·0 8·0 2·0 6·0 5·0 6·0 1·0 6·0 3·0
No. of children living in home 1·0 1·0 2·0 1·0 2·0 1·0 2·0 1·0 1·0 1·0 2·0 1·0 2·0 1·0
SES 10·2 1·4 8·9 1·5 10·1 1·4 8·6 1·7 8·7 1·6 8·1 1·0 9·2 1·6
Safe sewage disposal (% yes) 4·3 0·0 7·4 9·1 11·8 4·3 6·0
Access to water (% yes) 95·7 88·9 96·3 90·9 70·6 66·7 85·5
Dirt floor (% yes) 56·5 83·3 63·0 45·5 58·8 81·0 65·8
Access to electricity (% yes) 95·7 66·7 74·1 90·9 70·6 19·0 68·4
Household head employment
Farmer (%) 12·0 24·1 20·6 18·8 57·1 16·0 22·4
Formal employment (%) 48·0 6·9 38·2 18·8 14·3 0·0 22·4
Informal employment (%) 40·0 69·0 41·2 62·5 28·6 84·0 55·2
Home garden ownership (% yes) 76·9 89·3 64·7 88·2 76·2 76·0 77·5
Crop species richness in all systems (no. of edible crop species) 15·0 8·0 17·0 7·0 13·5 9·0 16·0 13·0 17·0 10·0 13·0 8·0 15·0 8·0
Crop species richness in home gardens (no. of edible crop species) 13·0 6·0 12·0 5·0 10·0 7·0 12·0 11·0 14·0 6·0 10·0 7·0 12·0 7·0
QA beneficiary (% yes) 7·7 96·2 11·8 68·4 85·7 20·7 50·4
Child characteristics
No. of children 26 29 34 19 21 25 154
No. of children aged <24 months 14 11 13 9 7 4 58
Age of child (months) 23·0 15·0 33·0 32·0 28·0 30·0 30·0 31·0 28·0 27·0 35·0 18·0 29·0 26·0
Sex (% male) 50·0 27·6 55·9 36·8 52·4 48·0 45·5
Mayan Achí (% yes) 100·0 96·6 82·4 100·0 90·5 32·0 83·12
Morbidity in the last month (% yes) 63·6 100·0 84·6 100·0 38·9 50·0 67·1
IYCDDS of children aged <24 months (no. of food groups/d) 4·2 1·0 4·0 1·5 4·5 1·0 4·0 2·0 5·0 1·5 5·0 0·7 4·5 1·0
IDDS of children aged ≥24 months (no. of food groups/d) 4·0 1·0 4·0 0·6 4·0 1·0 5·0 2·2 5·0 0·5 4·5 1·0 4·2 1·0
Stunting (%)
Moderate 26·9 44·8 44·1 42·1 28·6 44·0 39·0
Severe 19·2 27·6 8·8 31·6 14·3 32·0 21·4
Underweight (%)
Moderate 11·5 13·8 17·6 21·1 28·6 24·0 18·8
Severe 0·0 3·4 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·0 0·6
Maternal characteristics
Primary caregiver education (years) 7·0 4·0 6·0 3·0 4·0 3·0 1·0 3·0 3·0 4·0 3·0 4·0 4·0 4·0
Primary caregiver literacy (% no) 7·7 20·7 15·2 50·0 14·3 25·0 20·5
Primary caregiver age (years) 23·0 8·0 22·0 16·0 26·0 13·0 36·0 15·0 26·0 17·0 28·0 8·0 27·0 14·0

IQR, interquartile range; masl, metres above sea level; QA, agricultural extension services promoting home gardening and agroecology; SES, socio-economic status; IYCDDS, infant and young child dietary diversity score; IDDS, individual dietary diversity score.


Characteristics measured at and from the village school (point of reference).

Data presented as median and IQR.

Data presented as mean and sd.