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. 2018 Mar 16;21(11):2103–2116. doi: 10.1017/S1368980018000435

Table 4.

Models exploring how the count of food retailers in participants’ activity spaces relates to personal and urban contexts when the 10 % KDE threshold is used. Beta coefficients are presented as incident rate ratios, with 90 % CI. The reference category for cities is Toronto

Dependent variable
Grocery store count F&V market count Convenience store count Limited-service restaurant count All food retail count
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
RR 90 % CI RR 90 % CI RR 90 % CI RR 90 % CI RR 90 % CI
Food insecure 1·315 0·976, 1·807 1·131 0·738, 1·761 1·156 0·882, 1·534 1·111 0·817, 1·546 1·210 0·919, 1·627
Age 1·039*** 1·014, 1·065 1·052** 1·016, 1·089 1·028** 1·006, 1·051 1·041*** 1·016, 1·067 1·045*** 1·022, 1·069
Sex (1=female) 1·313*** 1·110, 1·549 1·421** 1·105, 1·826 1·193* 1·025, 1·386 1·226** 1·033, 1·451 1·294*** 1·111, 1·505
Self-reported health 1·020 0·937, 1·110 1·027 0·907, 1·161 1·029 0·953, 1·112 1·016 0·932, 1·108 1·034 0·956, 1·118
Employed 1·034 0·873, 1·225 1·065 0·833, 1·361 1·081 0·928, 1·259 1·144 0·963, 1·359 1·052 0·901, 1·227
More than HS education 1·030 0·818, 1·288 0·838 0·600, 1·166 1·053 0·853, 1·296 1·185 0·937, 1·487 0·998 0·808, 1·225
HH food shopper 1·197 0·996, 1·436 1·187 0·906, 1·555 1·354*** 1·146, 1·600 1·339** 1·111, 1·612 1·266** 1·072, 1·494
Montreal 0·511*** 0·386, 0·680 1·372 0·962, 1·971 0·522*** 0·412, 0·666 0·431*** 0·325, 0·576 0·583*** 0·454, 0·755
Halifax 0·529*** 0·424, 0·661 0·200*** 0·136, 0·292 0·297*** 0·245, 0·361 0·448*** 0·358, 0·562 0·404*** 0·330, 0·495
Edmonton 0·424*** 0·329, 0·549 0·137*** 0·081, 0·222 0·194*** 0·154, 0·245 0·391*** 0·303, 0·508 0·296*** 0·235, 0·375
Vancouver 1·389** 1·114, 1·735 1·387* 1·039, 1·855 0·141*** 0·114, 0·174 0·606*** 0·480, 0·765 0·743** 0·605, 0·913
Constant 3·234*** 1·869, 5·613 0·421* 0·191, 0·927 6·134*** 3·728, 10·110 6·292*** 3·611, 11·013 11·448*** 6·923, 18·998
Observations 456 456 456 456 456
Log likelihood −1469·219 −680·085 −1334·814 −1741·990 −1987·896
θ 1·153*** 0·882*** 1·559*** 1·032*** 1·257***
θ SE 0·087 0·119 0·127 0·068 0·082
AIC 2962·438 1384·170 2693·627 3507·981 3999·792

KDE, kernel density estimate; RR, incident rate ratio; F&V, fruit and vegetable; HS, high school; HH, household; AIC, Akaike information criterion.

Participants were young urban adults (n 496) aged 16–30 years, a subset of respondents in the 2016 Canada Food Study (CFS).

*P<0·1, **P<0·05, ***P<0·01.