Fig. 2. A Mach-Zehnder interferometer with both arms covered with 20-nm-thick Sb2S3.
a Sb2S3 phase shifter schematic (the encapsulation ALD Al2O3 layer is not shown). b Optical and (c) SEM images of the Sb2S3 phase shifter. d Optical micrograph of the 50:50 splitting ratio multi-mode interferometer. e, f Transmission spectra at both bar and cross ports for (e) a-Sb2S3 (RESET: an 8.1 V, 150 ns, 197 nJ pulse) and (f) c-Sb2S3 (SET: two 1.7 V, 200 ms, 12 mJ pulses). The green and red lines represent the measured transmission at cross and bar ports. The shaded region indicates the standard deviation of transmission for 5 cycles of measurements.