Image analysisbased in situ monitoring |
Identify cone mode in scaffold fabrication process in EHD jetting |
[14] |
Identify deposit fibers’ continuity, uniformity, and regularity in EBB |
Four-layer CNN, ResNeXt-50 network, linear SVM classifier |
[25] |
Extract the flow pattern and droplet evolution in DBB |
Deep recurrent neural network (DRNN) |
[29] |
Printing parameter optimization |
Predict the electrospun diameter of PCL/Gt nanofibers |
Multiple regression, multilayer perceptron ANN |
[24] |
Identify suitable printing conditions for PPF scaffold in EBB |
Random forest classifiers (RFc), random forest regression (RFr) |
[26] |
Optimize ink composition and printing parameters in EBB |
SVM classifier |
[27] |
Predict the droplet diameter in EHD inkjet printing |
Statistical regression analysis, GA-NN, BPNN |
[28] |
Optimize printing parameters for GelMA and HAMA bioinks |
Bayesian optimization (BO) |
[30] |
Optimize the droplet size and printing frequency in EHD inkjet |
Desirability function analysis |
[31] |
Biomaterial/bioink optimization |
Achieve high shape fidelity in EBB |
Inductive logic programming, multiple regression |
[32] |
Achieve ideal linewidth and shape fidelity in EBB |
Hierarchical machine learning |
[33] |
Predict filament diameter in EBB |
RFr, linear regression, intrastudy linear regression |
[34] |
Cell performance analysis |
Predict cell viability |
SVM regression, linear regression, RFr, SVM classifier, RFc, logistic regression classifier |
[34] |
Detect the impact of scaffold morphology on cell shape phenotypes |
SVM classifier |
[35] |
Analyze cell-scaffold interaction |
[36] |
Predict cell-material interactions in fibrous scaffold |
RFr model |
[37] |
Associate cell morphologies with diverse microenvironment |
SVM classifier |
[38] |