Table 2. Key print settings of the liver model and tensile testing specimens.
Setting | Value | Unit |
Extrusion width | 0.5 | mm |
Layer thickness | 0.3 | mm |
Infill volume fraction (liver model and equivalent tensile specimens) | 40 | % |
Infill volume fraction (full-silicone tensile specimens) | 100 | % |
Infill type (liver model and equivalent tensile specimens) | Gyroid | |
Infill type (full-silicone tensile specimens) | Rectilinear | |
Contour (liver model) | 4 | lines |
Contour (all tensile testing specimens) | 2 | lines |
Solid top and bottom (liver model) | 6 | layers |
Solid top and bottom (all tensile testing specimens) | 3 | layers |
Print speed | 20 | mm/s |
Travel speed | 50 | mm/s |
Travel and tool change Z-lift | 1 | mm |
Acceleration | 500 | mm/s2 |