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. 2018 Jan 10;21(7):1332–1344. doi: 10.1017/S1368980017003755

Table 4.

Survey participants’ perceptions and experiences of Go Fresh mobile produce market, Springfield, MA, USA, October 2014: comparison of younger v. older adults

All participants (N 143) Participants aged 18–59·9 years (N 82) Participants aged ≥60 years (N 61)
Question n % n % n % P
Aspects liked*
Variety 46 32·2 34 41·5 12 19·7 0·01
Location 104 72·7 54 65·9 50 82·0 0·03
Price 68 47·6 41 50·0 27 44·3 0·50
Locally grown 66 46·2 42 51·2 24 39·3 0·16
Safety 43 30·1 24 29·3 19 31·1 0·81
Hours 53 37·1 28 34·1 25 41·0 0·40
Activities 14 10·5 8 9·8 6 9·8 0·99
Write-in responses 2 1·4 2 2·4 0 0·0
Aspects wanted changed*
More variety 57 39·5 33 40·2 24 38·7 0·91
Location 6 4·8 6 7·3 0 0·0 0·04
Pricing 26 17·7 11 13·4 15 24·2 0·09
Safety 4 2·7 2 2·4 2 3·2 0·76
Hours 30 21·1 18 22·0 12 21·0 0·74
More activities 6 4·1 6 7·3 0 0·0 0·04
Nothing 30 21·1 16 19·5 14 22·6 0·62
Write-in responses 5 3·4 2 2·4 3 4·8
Future activities desired*
Taste sampling 65 44·2 43 52·4 22 35·5 0·05
Cooking classes 34 23·8 23 28·0 11 19·4 0·16
Nutritional counselling 44 30·6 32 39·0 12 21·0 0·01
SNAP or health-care info 40 27·9 20 24·4 20 32·3 0·27
None/not interested 17 12·2 7 8·5 10 16·1 0·15
Write-in responses 2 1·4 0 0·0 2 3·2

SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; WIC, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children.


Respondents were asked to identify all that apply, so total percentages do not add up to 100 %.

Current activities included food demonstrations and visits by WIC nutritionists.