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. 2018 Jan 10;21(7):1297–1306. doi: 10.1017/S1368980017003834

Table 1.

General characteristics of studies included in the present meta-analysis on fish consumption and risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality

Author(s) & reference, publication year, study name, country Age (range/mean; years) Follow-up duration (years) No. of participants No. of deaths Exposure assessment Covariates Quality score (max. 9 points)
Daviglus et al.( 10 ), 1997, The Chicago Western Electric Study, USA 40–55/47 30 1822 men All-cause deaths: 1042 CVD deaths: 573 FFQ Age, education, religion, SBP, serum cholesterol, smoking status, BMI, history of DM, history of electrocardiographic abnormalities, and intakes of energy, cholesterol, SFA, MUFA, PUFA, protein, carbohydrate, alcohol, Fe, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, β-carotene and retinol 8
Albert et al.( 11 ), 1998, US Physicians’ Health Study, USA 40–84/53 11 20 551 US male physicians All-cause deaths: 1652 CVD deaths: 548 FFQ Age, aspirin use, β-carotene use, evidence of CVD, BMI, smoking status, history of DM or HTN, history of hypercholesterolaemia, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and vitamin E, vitamin C or multivitamin use 9
Bellavia et al.( 29 ), 2017, Swedish Mammography Cohort and the Cohort of Swedish Men, Sweden 45–84 17 71 384 men and women All-cause deaths: 16 295 CVD deaths: 4899 FFQ BMI, total physical activity, smoking status and pack-years of smoking, alcohol consumption, educational level, total energy intake, fruit consumption, vegetable consumption, processed red meat consumption and non-processed red meat consumption 8
Engeset et al.( 30 ), 2015, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort 30–70 1992/1998–2010 480 535 European men and women All-cause deaths: 32 587 Country-specific FFQ, or dietary history Age, energy from fat, energy from carbohydrates, energy from proteins, intakes of dietary fibre, red meat, processed meat, vegetables, fruit and alcohol, BMI, physical activity, smoking, education 6
Nagata et al. ( 31 ), 2002, The Takayama Study, Japan ≥35/55 6·9 29 079 Japanese men and women All-cause deaths: 2062 FFQ For men: age, total energy, marital status, BMI, smoking status, alcohol intake, coffee intake, exercise, and history of HTN and DM. For women: age, total energy, marital status, years of education, BMI, smoking status, alcohol intake, age at menarche, menopausal status, exercise and history of DM 8
Takata et al. ( 32 ), 2013, Shanghai Women’s Health Study (SWHS), China/Shanghai Men’s Health Study (SMHS), China 40–70/52·7 11·2 (women) 5·6 (men) 134 296 Chinese men and women All-cause deaths: 5836 CVD deaths: 1789 FFQ Age, total energy intake, income, occupation, education, comorbidity index, physical activity level, red meat intake, poultry intake, total vegetable intake, total fruit intake, smoking history, alcohol consumption (only among men) 8
Yamagishi et al.( 33 ), 2008, The Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study, Japan 40–79/56 12·7 57 972 Japanese men and women All-cause deaths: 7008 CVD deaths: 2045 FFQ Age, sex, history of HTN and DM, smoking status, alcohol consumption, BMI, mental stress, walking, sports, education levels, total energy, and dietary intakes of cholesterol, SFA, n-6 PUFA, vegetables and fruit 7
Owen et al.( 34 ), 2016, The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (Aus-Diab), Australia 51·5 12·6 11 247 non-institutionalized men and women aged ≥25 years All-cause deaths: 1265 CVD deaths: 2045 FFQ Age, previous CVD, education, exercise, DM, total dietary energy and smoking 7
Bell et al.( 35 ), 2014, The Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) Study, USA 50–76 5 70 495 US men and women All-cause deaths: 3051 FFQ Age, sex, race/ethnicity, marital status, education, total energy intake, BMI at age 45 years, alcohol intake, physical activity, self-rated health, mammogram, prostate-specific antigen test, sigmoidoscopy, medications, smoking, morbidity score, percentage of energy derived from trans-fat and SFA, fruit and vegetable consumption, years of oestrogen therapy, years of oestrogen–progestin therapy, age at menopause, age at death of father and mother 7
Folsom and Demissie( 36 ), 2004, Iowa Women’s Health Study cohort, USA 55–69 14 33 967 women All-cause deaths: 4653 CVD deaths: 1589 FFQ Age, energy intake, educational level, physical activity level, alcohol consumption, smoking status, pack-years of cigarette smoking, age at first live birth, oestrogen use, vitamin use, BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, diabetes, HTN, and intakes of whole grains, fruit and vegetables, red meat, cholesterol and SFA 7

SBP, systolic blood pressure; DM, diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension.