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. 2016 Sep 14;20(3):417–448. doi: 10.1017/S1368980016002366

Table 3.

Summary of the selected instruments which were validated (n 8) for assessment of fruit and vegetables

Study/instrument Design Age group Countries Mode Portion estimation
EPIC( 18 , 28 , 29 , 61 63 ) Cohort 30–70 years 10 (Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden (Malmo)/Sweden(Umea), Denmark, France, Greece, Norway, England) Face-to-face interviewComputerised X
Food4Me( 51 53 ) Randomised controlled trial 17–79 years 7 (Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Greece, UK, Poland, Germany) Self-admin. X
Web-based FFQ
HBSC( 31 , 110 ) Cross-sectional 11-, 13- and 15-year-olds 37 (England, Norway, Macedonia, Iceland, Netherlands, Portugal, Wales, Italy, Sweden, Latvia, Switzerland, Denmark, Estonia, Scotland, Slovenia, Ukraine, Belgium, Finland, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Greenland, Russia, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Spain, France, Romania, Turkey, Czech Republic, Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovakia) Self-admin.
HELENA( 32 36 , 50 , 111 , 112 ) Cross-sectional 13–17 years 8 (Greece, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Sweden, Austria, Spain) Self-admin.Computerised X
HELENA( 32 36 , 50 , 111 , 112 ) 13–17 years 5 (Austria, Belgium, Greece, Sweden, Germany) Self-admin. X
Online FFQ
IDEFICS( 37 , 118 , 119 ) Prospective cohort study with an embedded intervention 2–9 years 8 (Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany Hungary, Italy, Spain, Sweden) Self-admin. (parents)
Pro-Children study( 42 , 86 , 87 ) Cross-sectional 11 years 9 (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway Portugal, Spain, Sweden) Self-admin. X
A pre-coded 24-HDR*, FFQ*
ToyBox( 95 106 ) Intervention multifactorial study 3·5–5·5 years 6 (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Poland, Spain) Self-admin. X
Children’s FFQ*

EPIC, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; 24-HDR, 24 h recall; HBSC, Health Behaviour in School-aged Children; HELENA, Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence; IDEFICS, Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infants; CEHQ, Children’s Eating Habits Questionnaire; self-admin., self-administered.


Original instrument obtained for review.

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