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. 2016 Aug 31;20(2):245–254. doi: 10.1017/S1368980016002299

Table 1.

Background characteristics of the studies included in the present meta-analysis exploring the association between dietary legume consumption and CVD risk

Author, year, reference Study cohort (country) Sex Age range (years) No. of subjects Outcome Follow-up (years) No. of cases Adjustments Study quality
Bazzano et al. (2001)( 17 ) NHANES I (USA) M and F 25–74 9632 Incident/fatal CVD 19 CVD: 3680 CHD: 1802 Age, sex, race, history diabetes, PA, education, alcohol intake, current smoker, energy intake, BMI, serum TC, SBP, meat and poultry intake, fruit and vegetable intake, saturated fat intake 9
Kelemen et al. (2005)( 18 ) IWHS (USA) F 55–69 29 017 Fatal CHD 15 Fatal CHD: 739 Age, total energy, saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, trans-fat, total fibre, dietary cholesterol, dietary methionine, alcohol, smoking, activity level, BMI, history of hypertension, postmenopausal hormone use, multivitamin use, vitamin E supplement use, education, family history cancer 9
Kokubo et al. (2007)( 19 ) JPHC (Japan) M and F 40–59 40 462 Incident/fatal MI/CBVD 12·5 CBVD: 587 MI: 308 Age, sex, smoking, alcohol use, BMI, history hypertension or diabetes mellitus, medication use for hypercholesterolaemia, education level, sports, dietary intake of fruits, vegetables, fish, salt and energy, menopausal status for women 9
Buckland et al. (2009)( 20 ) EPIC (Spain) M and F 29–69 41 078 Incident/fatal CHD 10·4 Total CHD: 609 Education, PA, BMI, smoking status, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia status, energy intake 8
MI: 459
Fatal MI: 9
Angina pectoris: 141
Mizrahi et al. (2009)( 21 ) Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey (Finland) M and F 40–74 3932 Incident/fatal CBVD 24 Total CBVD: 625 Age, sex, BMI, smoking, PA, serum TC, blood pressure, energy intake 8
Nagura et al. (2009)( 22 ) JACC (Japan) M and F 40–79 59 485 Fatal CVD 13 Fatal CVD: 1207 M, 1036 F Sex, age, BMI, smoking status, alcohol intake, hours of walking, hours of sleep, education, perceived mental stress, cholesterol intake, SFA intake, n-3 fatty acids intake, Na intake, history hypertension, history diabetes, bean and vegetable intake 9
Bernstein et al. (2010)( 23 ) NHS (USA) F 30–55 84 136 Incident/fatal MI 26 MI: 2210 Fatal CHD: 952 Age, time period, energy, cereal fiber, alcohol, trans-fat, BMI, smoking, menopausal status, parental history MI, multivitamin use, vitamin E use, aspirin, PA 9
Martinez-Gonzalez et al. (2011)( 24 ) SUN (Spain) M and F 34–43 13 609 Incident CVD 4·9 CVD: 100 Fatal CVD: 8 Age, sex, family history CHD, total energy intake, PA, smoking, BMI, diabetes at baseline, use of aspirin, history hypertension, history hypercholesterolaemia 8
Dilis et al. (2012)( 25 ) EPIC (Greece) M and F 20–86 23 929 Incident/fatal CHD 10 CHD: 636 Fatal CHD: 240 Age, energy, education, height, BMI, PA, smoking status, blood pressure, intake of alcohol, fruits and nuts, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, meat and meat products, fish and seafood, potatoes, eggs, sweets, non-alcoholic beverages, olive oil, SFA, MUFA, PUFA, ratio MUFA to SFA 9
Misirli et al. (2012)( 27 ) EPIC (Greece) M and F 25–67 23 601 Incident/fatal CBVD 10·6 CBVD: 395; Fatal CBVD: 196 Age, education, smoking status, BMI, PA, hypertension, diabetes, energy intake 8
Bernstein et al. (2012)( 26 ) NHS (USA) F 30–55 84 010 Incident/fatal CBVD 26 CBVD: 2633 Age, time period, BMI, cigarette smoking, physical exercise, parental history early MI, menopausal status, multivitamin use, vitamin E supplement use, aspirin use at least once per week, total energy, cereal fibre, alcohol, trans-fat, fruit and vegetables, other protein sources 9
Bernstein et al. (2012)( 26 ) HPFS (USA) M 40–75 43 150 Incident/fatal CBVD 22 CBVD: 1397 Age, time period, BMI, cigarette smoking, physical exercise, parental history early MI, multivitamin use, vitamin E supplement use, aspirin use at least once per week, total energy, cereal fibre, alcohol, trans-fat, fruit and vegetables, other protein sources 9
Haring et al. (2014)( 28 ) ARIC (USA) M and F 45–64 12 066 Incident/fatal CHD 22 CHD: 1147 Age, sex, race, study centre, total energy intake, smoking, education, SBP, use of antihypertensive medication, HDL-C, TC, use of lipid-lowering medication, BMI, WHR, alcohol intake, PA, carbohydrate intake, fibre intake, Mg intake 9
Haring et al. (2015)( 29 ) ARIC (USA) M and F 45–64 11 601 Incident/fatal CBVD 22 CBVD: 699 Age, sex, race, study centre, total energy intake, smoking, education, SBP, use of antihypertensive medication, HDL-C, TC, use of lipid-lowering medication, BMI, WHR, alcohol intake, PA, carbohydrate intake, fibre intake, Mg intake 9
Nouri et al. (2016)( 30 ) Isfahan Cohort Study (Iran) M and F >35 6504 Incident/fatal CVD 6·8 Total CVD: 427 Age, sex, income, marital status, education, job, ever smoke, leisure-time PA, legume-adjusted dietary score, antihyperlipidaemia medicine, BMI, shared frailty 8
MI: 89
Stroke: 91
Sudden cardiac death: 54
Angina: 193

NHANES I, First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; IWHS, Iowa Women’s Health Study; JPHC, Japan Public Health Center-based; EPIC, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; JACCS, Japan Collaborative Cohort Study; NHS, Nurses’ Health Study; SUN, Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra; HPFS, Health Professionals’ Follow-up Study; ARIC, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; M, male; F, female; MI, myocardial infarction; CBVD, cerebrovascular disease; PA, physical activity; TC, total cholesterol; SBP, systolic blood pressure; HDL-C, HDL cholesterol; WHR, waist-to-hip ratio.