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. 2017 Aug 30;20(16):2946–2958. doi: 10.1017/S1368980017001100

Table 4.

Nutrient and food intake household income level: average of 2 d without school lunch among 5th grade children (10–11 years old) at nineteen schools in four prefectures, Japan, September–December 2013

Low income (n 319) Middle income (n 194) High income (n 323)
Difference from low income Difference from low income
Energy/nutrient/food group Mean* sd * Mean* sd * Mean 95 % CI Mean* sd * Mean 95 % CI P value P for trend§
Energy and nutrients
Energy (kJ) 7590 1657 7803 1619 105 –201, 414 7971 1715 234 –46, 515 0·26 0·10
Energy (kcal) 1814 396 1865 387 25 −48, 99 1905 410 56 −11, 123 0·26 0·10
Protein (g) 64·4 14·8 68·0 16·6 3·0 0·0, 6·0 70·5 17·2 5·5 2·7, 8·2 <0·001 <0·001
Animal protein (g) 35·2 11·7 38·5 13·3 2·8 0·4, 5·3 40·2 14·6 5·1 2·8, 7·3 <0·001 <0·001
Lipids (g) 59·9 18·8 63·9 18·8 2·3 −1·3, 5·9 64·6 19·8 3·2 −0·1, 6·4 0·15 0·06
Saturated fat (g) 18·26 6·76 19·56 6·96 0·90 −0·40, 2·10 19·52 7·02 0·50 −0·68, 1·67 0·42 0·47
Cholesterol (mg) 334·3 139·2 365·6 161·5 21·1 −7·4, 50·0 372·8 155·7 33·0 7·0, 59·0 0·043 0·014
Carbohydrate (g) 247·4 55·5 247·1 51·4 −2·0 −12·2, 8·1 253·0 57·4 1·1 −8·2, 10·3 0·83 0·78
Dietary fibre (g) 11·0 3·5 11·5 3·5 0·5 −1·0, 1·1 11·5 3·3 0·2 −0·4, 0·8 0·31 0·59
Energy from protein (%) 14·4 1·9 14·6 1·9 0·3 −0·7, 0·7 14·9 2·1 0·6 0·3, 1·0 0·001 <0·001
Energy from fat (%) 29·1 4·9 30·3 5·0 0·8 −0·2, 1·7 30·1 5·3 0·8 −0·1, 1·7 0·14 0·09
Energy from carbohydrate (%) 56·5 5·3 55·1 5·7 −1·1 −2·2, 0·0 55·0 6·0 −1·4 −2·4, −0·5 0·012 0·005
Retinol activity equivalents (µg) 395 229 427 232 25 −15, 70 425 227 2 −37, 40 0·37 0·96
Vitamin D (µg) 4·9 4·3 5·3 4·8 0·2 −0·7, 1·1 5·7 5·2 0·8 0·0, 1·6 0·15 0·06
α-Tocopherol (mg) 6·2 2·2 6·6 2·2 0·3 −0·1, 0·7 6·8 2·2 0·5 0·1, 9·0 0·034 0·011
Vitamin K (µg) 162 100 173 98 14 −4, 32 170 90 5 −11, 22 0·30 0·62
Thiamin (mg) 0·96 0·30 0·96 0·31 0·00 −0·05, 0·06 1·00 0·30 0·03 −0·03, 0·08 0·61 0·33
Riboflavin (mg) 1·05 0·37 1·12 0·41 0·07 −0·01, 0·14 1·13 0·37 0·06 −0·01, 0·12 0·13 0·12
Niacin equivalents (mg) 26·2 7·2 27·5 7·4 1·2 −0·2, 2·7 28·7 8·4 2·5 1·2, 3·8 0·001 <0·001
Vitamin B6 (mg) 1·07 0·47 1·14 0·40 0·07 −0·01, 0·15 1·15 0·35 0·07 0·00, 0·14 0·083 0·06
Vitamin B12 (µg) 4·7 3·2 5·7 4·4 1·0 0·2, 1·7 6·0 4·6 1·4 0·7, 2·1 <0·001 <0·001
Folate (µg) 230 81 243 88 16 0, 31 247 83 12 −2, 26 0·10 0·14
Pantothenic acid (mg) 5·47 1·53 5·83 1·55 0·31 0·02, 0·60 5·93 1·58 0·34 0·08, 0·60 0·024 0·016
Biotin (µg) 24·9 10·0 27·1 11·1 1·7 −0·2, 3·7 27·0 10·5 1·6 −0·2, 3·4 0·14 0·11
Vitamin C (mg) 84 55 103 172 18 0, 36 90 53 −1 −18, 16 0·07 0·74
Na (mg) 3509 860 3556 894 37 −130, 204 3663 943 105 −47, 257 0·38 0·17
K (mg) 1970 607 2091 591 133 22, 244 2127 602 113 11, 214 0·031 0·044
Ca (mg) 423 182 453 206 29 −7, 66 455 197 16 −17, 50 0·29 0·41
Mg (mg) 194 54 203 53 10 0, 21 209 55 13 3, 22 0·019 0·009
P (mg) 931 240 986 258 50 3, 97 1014 266 67 24, 110 0·008 0·003
Fe (mg) 6·2 1·9 6·6 1·9 0·4 0·1, 0·7 6·6 1·9 0·4 0·1, 0·7 0·029 0·029
Zn (mg) 7·7 2·1 8·2 2·1 0·4 0·0, 0·8 8·3 2·2 0·5 0·1, 0·8 0·018 0·012
Cu (mg) 0·97 0·25 1·04 0·29 0·06 0·01, 0·12 1·04 0·33 0·06 0·01, 0·11 0·028 0·023
Mn (mg) 2·27 0·63 2·25 0·64 0·01 −0·12, 0·13 2·35 0·71 0·06 −0·05, 0·17 0·49 0·26
Iodine (µg) 622 2261 732 2206 135 −350, 621 1068 3037 433 −11, 876 0·15 0·05
Food groups
Rice, noodles, breads, cereals (g) 423 110 417 107 −18 −39, 2 432 119 −8 −28, 11 0·21 0·52
Potatoes (g) 43 40 48 45 4 −4, 11 41 34 −3 −10, 3 0·18 0·26
Sugar (g) 5 6 7 7 1 0, 3 7 8 2 1, 3 0·004 0·001
Nuts and seeds (g) 1 5 1 4 0 −1, 1 1 3 0 0, 1 0·71 0·42
Green vegetables (g) 56 50 69 65 14 4, 25 62 58 −1 −11, 9 0·008 0·61
Other vegetables (g) 110 58 107 58 0 −11, 10 110 57 1 −9, 10 0·98 0·89
Fruit (g) 80 87 85 96 7 −11, 24 94 98 11 −5, 27 0·40 0·18
Mushrooms (g) 8 11 8 10 0 −2, 3 9 15 0 −2, 3 0·90 0·65
Seaweeds (g) 2 5 3 6 1 −1, 2 3 7 1 −1, 2 0·49 0·34
Beans (g) 26 34 27 36 1 −5, 8 30 37 2 −4, 9 0·75 0·45
Fish and shellfish (g) 43 35 48 38 6 −2, 13 55 48 14 7, 21 <0·001 <0·001
Meats, poultry (g) 98 47 105 49 5 −4, 14 108 53 10 2, 18 0·07 0·022
Egg (g) 39 28 43 30 1 −4, 7 42 29 2 −3, 7 0·72 0·43
Milk, dairy products (g) 123 124 137 128 12 −13, 37 138 139 7 −16, 29 0·63 0·61
Fat and oil (g) 13 8 13 9 0 −2, 2 13 9 −1 −2, 1 0·76 0·47
Confectionery (g) 42 47 42 49 2 −8, 11 43 49 0 −8, 9 0·93 0·94
Drinks (g) 224 222 243 219 20 −24, 64 236 250 14 −27, 54 0·64 0·55
Seasonings (g) 40 18 45 24 4 0, 8 44 22 3 −1, 6 0·13 0·18

Mean and sd of nutrients and food intake are unadjusted values.

Mean and 95 % CI of difference from low income are values adjusted for prefecture (A, B, C, D), school (nineteen schools), sex (male and female), BMI (continuous), exercise (>5 d/week, 3–4 d/week, 1–2 d/week and 0 d/week) and food allergy (yes, no) of the child, and parental education (less than high school, high school, college, university/graduate school, don’t know).

Linear mixed-effects model was used to test difference in nutrient and food intake of children among household income levels. Adjusted for the variables above.


A linear trend test was used with the median value in each income group as a continuous variable in regression analysis. Adjusted for the variables above.