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. 2015 Nov 6;20(10):1865–1873. doi: 10.1017/S1368980015003092

Table 1.

Infant demographic, lifestyle and dietary characteristics, by supplementation group. Antenatal Vitamin D in Dhaka (AViDD) trial (23°N), Bangladesh

Vitamin D
Placebo (n 55) All (n 60) Subset (n 47)
Characteristic % or Mean n, n/N or sd % or Mean n, n/N or sd % or Mean n, n/N or sd P § P ||
Sex, % and n
Females 51 28 56 34 53 25 0·36 0·54
Males 49 27 43 26 47 22
Gestational age at birth, % and n
Preterm (34 to <37 weeks) 24 13 12 7 15 7 0·33 0·09
Term (≥37 weeks) 76 42 88 53 85 40
Season at birth, % and n
October–November 24 13 32 19 23 11 0·04 0·46
December–February 56 31 45 27 49 23
March–April 20 11 23 14 28 13
Infant anthropometry, mean and sd
Birth weight (kg) 2·8 0·4 2·9 0·5 2·9 0·5 1·00 0·71
Length at birth (cm) 48·1 2·2 48·5 1·8 48·5 1·9 0·78 0·28
Initiated breast-feeding within 1 h of birth, % and n 95 52 95 57 94 44 0·35 0·91
Exclusively breast-fed,††, % and n
1 month visit 76 39/51 75 39/52 77 30/39 0·58 0·86
2 months visit 56 14/25 60 18/30 58 11/19 0·76 0·77
4 months visit 66 19/29 55 16/29 55 16/29 1·00 0·42
6 months visit 28 14/50 36 18/50 36 15/42 1·00 0·39
Formula use,‡‡, % and n
1 month visit 18 9/51 17 9/52 13 5/39 0·20 0·96
2 months visit 24 6/25 23 7/30 21 4/19 0·70 0·95
4 months visit 24 7/29 24 7/29 24 7/29 1·00 1·00
6 months visit 48 24/50 42 21/50 40 17/42 0·71 0·55
Animal-source foods,§§, % and n/N
1 month visit 0 0/51 0 0/52 0 0/39
2 months visit 0 0/25 7 2/30 11 2/19 0·52 0·19
4 months visit 0 0/29 7 2/29 7 2/29 1·00 0·15
6 months visit 16 8/50 16 8/50 19 8/42 0·32 1·00
Usually or always swaddled outside the home, % and n/N
1 month visit 98 50/51 98 50/51 97 37/38 1·00 1·00
2 months visit 68 17/25 70 21/30 74 14/19 0·69 0·87
4 months visit 24 7/29 31 9/29 31 9/29 1·00 0·56
6 months visit 6 3/50 4 2/50 2 1/42 0·30 0·65
Expressed preference to expose infant to sunlight, % and n/N
1 month visit 92 47/51 94 47/50 92 34/37 0·56 0·72
2 months visit 64 16/25 60 18/30 58 11/19 1·00 0·76
4 months visit 59 17/29 79 23/29 79 23/29 1·00 0·09
6 months visit 90 45/50 68 34/50 67 28/42 1·00 0·01

There was one set of twins in the placebo group, hence, there were fifty-five infants born to fifty-four mothers in the placebo group.

Vitamin D ‘all’ group included data for all infants with any 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) available in the first 6 months of life. The ‘subset’ excluded data for thirteen infants who did not contribute 25(OH)D data at or beyond 4 months.


P values for differences between ‘all’ and ‘subset’ vitamin D groups were based on χ 2 and Fisher’s exact tests for proportions or linear regression for differences in means.


P values for differences between placebo and ‘all’ vitamin D groups were based on χ 2 and Fisher’s exact tests for proportions or linear regression for differences in means.

Specified postnatal visits: 1 month (2 to 40 d), 2 months (46 to 81 d), 4 months (84 to 138 d) and 6 months (168 to 203 d).


Exclusive breast-feeding was defined as reported breast-feeding in the past 24 h (yes/no) and a lack of formula or complementary foods previously ever reportedly fed to the infant.


Data on recent formula use (yes/no) was available for n 98 (n 47 in the placebo group and n 51 in the vitamin D group). Infant ‘formula’ type often unspecified by caregiver; may include powdered fortified milk beverages not intended for infants.


Reported infant consumption of animal-source foods (yes/no), including fish, animal milk (other than ‘infant formula’), egg, meat or liver.