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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Psychiatr Serv. 2022 Dec 13;74(7):756–759. doi: 10.1176/


Demographic and call characteristics and odds of these characteristics resulting in unsuccessful mobile crisis team field visits to adults in distress

Total (N = 1,320)a
Unsuccessful field visit (N=305)
Variable N % Nb %c OR 95% CI p AORd 95% CI p

Demographic characteristic Age in years
 Age in years
  18–24 (reference) 139 11 20 14 1.00 1.00
  25–34 235 18 65 28 2.14 1.02–4.48 .044* 2.35 1.11–4.99 .026*
  35–44 216 16 52 24 1.56 .72–3.35 .260 1.58 .72–3.47 .253
  45–54 255 19 50 20 1.62 .78–3.36 .201 1.62 .75–3.49 .216
  ≥55 475 36 118 25 1.94 .99–3.83 .055 1.95 .96–3.93 .063
 Gender (N = 1,284)
  Female (reference) 530 41 131 25 1.00 1.00
  Male 754 59 166 22 .98 .69–1.39 .890 1.01 .70–1.46 .958
 Race-ethnicity (N=1,259)
  White (reference) 558 44 127 23 1.00 1.00
  African American 266 21 66 25 1.21 .76–1.91 .420 1.31 .82–2.10 .259
  Asian American 178 14 38 21 .89 .53–1.50 .655 1.02 .57–1.81 .945
  Hispanic or Latino 151 12 37 25 .82 .45–1.52 .534 .93 .49–1.80 .837
  Othere 106 8 22 21 .83 .43–1.59 .572 .88 .46–1.70 .707
 Primary language (N = 1,114)
  English (reference) 1,028 92 241 23 1.00 1.00
  Other 86 8 15 17 .76 .38–1.51 .436 .83 .39–1.78 .631
 Living situation (N = 1,026)
  Housed (reference) 665 65 158 24 1.00 1.00
  Unstably housed 361 35 88 24 1.04 .72–1.51 .826 .99 .67–1.46 .947
 Insurance (N = 885)
  Private (reference) 117 13 31 27 1.00 1.00
  Public 448 51 99 22 .69 .41–1.16 .157 .62 .36–1.06 .083
  Other 320 36 81 25 .79 .46–1.34 .384 .72 .41–1.28 .267
Referral source (N = 1,255)
  Institutions (reference) 519 41 134 26 1.00 1.00
  Individuals 407 32 83 20 .67 .45–.99 .044* .65 .43–.98 .038*
  Other 329 26 80 24 .80 .49–1.29 .360 .80 .49–1.32 .379

The total excluded calls received outside hours (10 p.m.–6 a.m. Monday–Saturday or on Sundays) with full staffing levels.


Totals for some subcategories may not add up to N=305 because of missing data.


Row percentages are shown.


Adjusted ORs (AORs) were adjusted for all demographic and referral source characteristics.


Includes Middle Eastern or North African, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, biracial, and other races.


Statistically significant (p<0.05).