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. 2017 Jul 31;20(15):2786–2795. doi: 10.1017/S1368980017001549

Table 4.

Linear regression analysis of the relationship of selected baseline characteristics with government assistance and personal money exchanged by length of Fresh Fund use. San Diego, California, 2010–2012 (n 7298)

≤6 months 6–12 months >12 months
Unadjusted Adjusted* Unadjusted Adjusted* Unadjusted Adjusted*
Characteristic β se P β se P β se P β se P β se P β se P
Age (10-year interval) 2·90 0·20 <0·001 −0·04 0·03 0·213 11·77 1·54 <0·001 0·15 0·26 0·565 7·75 3·26 0·018 −1·25 0·53 0·020
Men 7·29 0·95 <0·001 −1·30 1·03 0·205 36·95 6·62 <0·001 7·36 7·32 0·316 46·11 12·99 0·004 34·60 14·40 0·017
Race/ethnicity <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 0·487
White Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
Hispanic −6·25 0·87 −3·56 0·88 −24·28 7·25 −7·28 7·4 −10·63 17·56 −0·97 18·38
Vietnamese 19·53 1·28 10·18 1·55 33·60 8·53 33·10 10·78 52·92 20·46 40·87 24·54
Other Asian 4·65 1·28 3·16 1·41 39·48 9·20 38·59 10·35 39·60 20·20 17·83 22·02
African American −3·28 1·45 −3·36 1·47 −2·08 11·64 −12·71 12·09 −1·96 27·23 −14·94 27·95
East African 3·43 2·37 −0·83 2·50 0·65 11·64 −9·76 12·26 14·76 23·15 −2·12 24·80
Multiple/Other −1·31 2·42 −2·40 2·32 −37·37 24·53 −48·98 24·56 −47·24 65·90 −20·74 65·76
Government assistance <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 0·009
WIC Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
SNAP/CalFresh 11·69 0·78 10·32 0·88 51·78 5·40 41·09 6·38 51·04 11·19 37·97 14·19
SSI 16·64 0·91 10·57 1·60 58·49 6·15 16·87 11·10 66·96 13·69 66·23 24·21
Season of enrolment <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 0·005 0·714 0·453
Summer Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
Autumn −4·01 0·80 −8·03 0·82 23·84 7·10 16·26 7·25 −12·48 12·94 −17·43 12·95
Winter −3·78 1·93 −5·82 1·87 50·14 7·35 26·06 7·85 28·14 113·41 81·37 111·07
Spring −3·97 0·98 −1·37 0·94 37·08 6·37 19·78 7·18 4·90 14·03 3·00 14·17
Enrolment market <0·001 <0·001 0·034 0·014
City Heights Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
Southeast San Diego −10·99 1·80 −8·42 1·85 −25·42 21·28 −18·03 19·62
San Marcos −7·55 0·81 −4·37 0·86 −27·04 5·90 3·80 6·37 −52·82 13·25 −37·28 15·16
Golden Hill −6·60 0·99 −3·06 1·03 6·89 14·85 27·11 14·72
Linda Vista 12·21 1·00 8·76 1·09 −33·25 33·58 2·19 43·53
Servings F&V/d 0·005 0·001 0·025 0·058 0·837 0·201
<1 Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
1–2 6·42 2·40 6·23 2·26 −42·85 15·34 −27·22 13·96 −2·14 27·11 21·88 26·95
3–4 7·06 2·36 7·27 2·23 −45·86 15·05 −25·12 13·87 8·67 26·57 40·51 26·72
≥5 8·17 2·40 8·30 2·27 −40·45 15·54 −13·44 14·45 6·34 28·42 43·61 28·46
Perceived diet quality <0·001 <0·001 0·011 0·887 0·249 0·458
Very unhealthy Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
Unhealthy −4·63 2·10 −2·79 1·97 8·90 10·22 2·06 9·29 −3·00 14·64 0·21 14·93
Average −0·82 1·96 0·58 1·85 2·89 10·21 3·18 9·46 −28·33 16·13 −19·35 16·35
Healthy 3·29 1·96 2·40 1·86 25·15 10·81 7·90 10·40 −24·12 39·82 11·48 39·57
Very healthy 4·62 2·12 3·17 2·01 29·08 13·84 10·58 13·05 25·82 81·00 74·61 110·57

WIC, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children; SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; SSI, Supplemental Security Income; F&V, fruits and vegetables; ref., reference category.


Adjusted for all other variables in the multivariate model.

n 0.