Table 1.
Thematic area | Proposed indicators |
A. Nutrition and health | A1. Diet-related morbidity/mortality |
A2. Fruit and vegetable consumption/intake | |
A3. Vegetable:animal protein consumption ratio | |
A4. Average dietary energy adequacy | |
A5. Dietary diversity score | |
A6. Dietary energy density score | |
A7. Nutrient density | |
A8. Food biodiversity composition and consumption | |
A9. Nutritional anthropometry | |
A10. Physical activity/physical inactivity prevalence | |
A11. Adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern | |
A12. Rate of local/regional foods and seasonality | |
A13. Rate of eco-friendly food production and/or consumption | |
B. Environment | B1. Water footprint |
B2. Carbon footprint | |
B3. Nitrogen footprint | |
B4. Biodiversity | |
C. Economy | C1. Food consumer price index (FCPI): cereals, fruit, vegetables, fish and meat |
C2. Cost of living index (COLI) related to food expenditures: cereals, fruit, vegetables, fish and meat | |
C3. Distribution of household expenditure per groups: food | |
C4. Food self-sufficiency: cereals, fruit and vegetables | |
C5. Intermediate consumption in the agricultural sector: nitrogen fertilizers | |
C6. Food losses and waste | |
D. Society and culture | D1. Proportion of meals consumed outside home |
D2. Proportion of already prepared meals | |
D3. Consumption of traditional products (e.g. proportion of product under PDO or similar recognized traditional foods) | |
D4. Proportion of mass media initiatives dedicated to the knowledge of food background cultural value |
PDO, Protected Designation of Origin.