Figure 6.
Example analysis of SleepEns in comparison to human scorers. (a) 100 epochs covering 500 s were taken from one of the test recordings to assess the predictions made by SleepEns with the classifications of all three human experts. The top panel represents the EEG input signal while the second represents the Neck EMG signal. The third panel depicts a spectrogram of the EEG to illustrate a time–frequency representation. The bottom four panels are hypnograms of Expert 0, Expert 1, Expert 2, and SleepEns. Note the scoring similarities between SleepEns and human scorers. (b) A longer comparison of human expert and SleepEns agreement with Expert 0. 2170 epochs covering 10 850 s were taken from one of the test recordings to demonstrate variations in prediction accuracy made by SleepEns and human experts. The first panel depicts a hypnogram scored by Expert 0, while the remaining three panels show accuracies of Expert 1, Expert 2, and SleepEns in comparison to Expert 0.