Table 1.
Socioeconomic factors | Estimated HDDS marginal mean difference | 95% CI | p values |
Population group a | |||
SP Kinh | ns | — | .224 |
Khmer | −0.5 | [−0.9, −0.2)* | .003 ** |
Land ownership b | |||
0.1-< 0.5 ha | ns | — | .842 |
Landless | −0.6* | [−1.1, −0.1] | .005 ** |
Monthly household expenditure (VND) c | |||
3-<6 million (US $129-256) | ns | — | .05 |
<3 million (US $128) | −0.7* | [–1.2, −0.2] | <.0001 ** |
Debts d | |||
Yes | −0.8* | [−0.5, −1.1] | <.0001 ** |
Utensil score e | 0.2* | [0.04, 0.3] | <.0001 ** |
Variables included in the model: population group, education, monthly household income and expenditure, land ownership, keeping at least half of own produce for domestic use, savings, debts, ability to access market for purchasing food, and asset and utensil scores.
Abbreviations: HDDS, household diet diversity score; NP, northern province; Ref, reference; SP, southern province; VND, Vietnamese dong.
Ref: NP Kinh.
Ref: 0.5 ha and above.
Ref: 6 million VND (US $257) and above.
Ref: No.
Utensil score was created by counting the number of six commonly owned utensils in Vietnam (pressure cooker, rice cooker, blender, fridge, kettle, and gas stove) (General Statistics Office of Vietnam, 2016).
Only significant differences are indicated.
Significant at p < .01.