Three-dimensional (3D) illustrations show key osseous and soft-tissue
structures of extensor mechanism in the lateral (A, B),
anterior (C), and external oblique (D)
perspectives, with respective osseous attachment areas. Structures of
the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) complex are exaggerated by the
probe (in D). AMT = adductor magnus
tendon, AT = adductor tubercle, ITB =
iliotibial band, ME = medial epicondyle,
od-MPFL = MPFL with oblique decussation component,
t-MPFL = MPFL with transverse oblique decussation
component, MPML = medial patellomeniscal ligament, MPTL
= medial patellotibial ligament, MQTFL = medial quadriceps tendon
femoral ligament, PT = patellar tendon,
QT = quadriceps tendon, sMCL =
superficial medial collateral ligament, TT = tibial
tubercle, VMO = vastus medialis obliquus muscle.