(a) Cell-typing based on NO at gene bodies (AUC = 1). Epi1: RPE-1 replicate 1 (79 cells); Epi2: replicate 2 (77 cells); LCL1: HG01573 (46 cells); LCL2: HG02018 (50 cells), LCL3: NA19036 (50 cells); LV: latent variable. (b) UMAP visualization of Strand-seq libraries based on NO at gene-bodies (normalized by segmental ploidy status24). (c) We also explored dimensionality reduction of Strand-seq libraries based on DNA motif accessibility. Using the chromVAR package110, single-cell NO profiles for 2 kb DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHSs) were transformed into a deviation Z-score, which measures how likely a certain motif accessibility would occur when randomly sampling sets of peaks with similar GC content and read depth. For each single-cell, the deviation Z-score was calculated for 870 human TF motifs from the cisBP database111. These dimensionality reduction plots suggest that batch effect within the same cell type (three individuals in LCL, and two batches in RPE-1 sequenced separately) is minimal, and far less than the cell-type dependent variability. (d) UMAP using scMNase-seq26, including 45 NIH3T3 cells and 272 murine naive T cells, based on NO at the gene-bodies. (e) UMAP of RPE-1 (the originally commercially available cell line) and its transformed derived37 cell lines (BM510 and C7). Two biological replicates were sequenced for each cell line. (f) Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) using the PLS-DA based classifier. AUC for classifying each cell line was 0.9614, 0.9694, and 0.9892 for RPE-1, BM510, and C7 respectively. (g-h) Cell-typing for LCL, RPE-1, skin fibroblast, AML, T-ALL, and umbilical cord blood cells (g), and ROC curve depicting classification performance (overall AUC = 0.998) (h). (i-j) Cell-typing in five RPE-1 derived cell lines37 (RPE-1, BM510, C7, C29, and C11) (i), and ROC curve depiciting classification performance (overall AUC = 0.9648) (j).