Fig. 7. Principal component analyses of Tam Pà Ling hominins mandibular shape.
Shape changes were visualized along PC 1 and PC 2 by warping the sample mean shape along the positive and negative ends of PC 1 and PC 2, plus/minus two standard deviations from the sample mean. Labels: Dar es-Soltane 5 (D5); Guattari 3 (G3); La Ferrassie 1 (LF); Minatogawa A (MA) and 1 (M1); Tabun C 2 (T2); Tianyuandong (Ty); Wadjak 2 (Wa); Xiahe (Xh); Zhirendong 3 (Z3); Zhoukoudian Upper Cave 101 (Z101) and 104 (Z104). a TPL 2 mandible shape (2 reconstructions TPL 2, TPL 2-R); left panel complete sample and right panel only H. sapiens. Shape changes along PC 1 include the width of the mandible, height of symphysis, thickness of the lateral corpus, height and width of ramus, size of the coronoid process, and position of mental foramen. Shape changes along PC 2 emphasize the presence of a chin, corpus thickness, and angle and orientation of the ramus. Specimens plotting at the negative end of PC 2 (Neanderthals, H. erectus, several early H. sapiens) have a vertical anterior symphysis that lacks a chin, thin corpus, and wide and vertically oriented posterior ramus. Homo sapiens, plotting at the positive end of PC 2, show the opposite pattern. b TPL 2 (2 reconstructions TPL 2, TPL 2-R) and 3 anterior corpus shape; left panel complete sample and right panel only H. sapiens. Shape changes along PC 1 relate to the expression of the chin, and angle and height of the symphysis. Specimens plotting along the negative end of PC 1 (H. sapiens) have a pronounced chin and a shorter symphysis height; whereas H. erectus and Liang Bua have a taller, receding symphysis that lacks a chin. Both TPL 2 reconstructions and TPL 3 are similar in this morphology expressing a condition intermediate between the extremes. PC 2 also relates to the expression of the chin, and height and robusticity of the anterior corpus. Specimens plotting along the positive end of PC 2 (including both TPL 2 reconstruction) have a taller and thinner corpus with a chin, while TPL 3 has a less pronounced chin and shorter corpus height. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.