Fig. 2. Metrics of immunologic resilience (IR) and association of the immune health grade (IHG) metric in the SardiNIA cohort.
a IR metrics. IHGs are described in panel (b). Two gene expression (transcriptomic) signatures termed survival-associated signature-1 (SAS-1) and mortality-associated signature-1 (MAS-1) are prognosticators of survival and mortality, respectively, after controlling for age and sex. b CD8-CD4 profiles by IHGs and cutoffs of the CD4:CD8 T-cell ratio and CD4+ T-cell counts (cells/mm3) used to derive IHGs. c Predicted associations of expression levels of transcriptomic proxies for immunocompetence (IC) and inflammation (IF) with longevity/survival. d Hazard ratios adjusted for age and sex (aHR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the indicated gene signatures associated with all-cause mortality in the acute COVID-19 cohort (90-day mortality) and Framingham Heart Study (FHS; survival over 9 years since first sampling). Representative genes and gene ontology biological process (GO-BP) terms are shown. +, positive. e Model and study phases 1 to 4. Far right, figures specific to the outcomes are noted. During antigenic (Ag) stimulation, preservation of and/or rapid restoration of a primordial status defined by IHG-I and a higher IC and lower IF (IChigh-IFlow) state is associated with superior immunity-dependent health outcomes, including a longevity/survival advantage. f Distribution of IHGs in the HIV– SardiNIA cohort. ***P < 0.001. F, female; M, male. g Odds of having the indicated IHG (with 95% confidence bands) by age and sex in the SardiNIA cohort. P, for differences in odds by sex and age are depicted. Rest, all other IHGs. h Features of CD8-CD4 equilibrium and disequilibrium grades. Assignment of IHG-I as an indicator of the IR erosion-resistant phenotype. A non-IHG-I grade signifies the IR erosion-susceptible phenotype. Two-sided tests were used. Statistics are outlined in Supplementary Information Section 11.3.2., P values are in Supplementary Data 14, and Source data are provided as a Source Data file.