Figure 7.
(A) Frequency (%) of Thompson Seedless explants-derived calli and shoots expressing eGFP fluorescence under UV light on the total number of treated explants. eGFP fluorescence was recorded after 9 weeks of selection on MB slices, hypocotyls, and cotyledons of the Thompson Seedless cultivar transformed with 35S::eGFP::nptII gene construct. Small letters represent differences in eGFP fluorescence among the different explants in terms of calli that showed at least one fluorescent dot on their surface; capital letters represent differences in eGFP fluorescence between the various explants in terms of shoots showing eGFP. Means with different letters are significantly different according to the Student-Newman-Keuls (p ≤ 0.05) ± SE (n=100). (B–G) Representative images of shoots or shoots-derived structures developed after 9 weeks of culture on regeneration/selection medium supplemented with 146 µM kanamycin, 420 µM cefotaxime, and 475 µM carbenicillin using Thompson Seedless MB slices (B, C), hypocotyls (D, E), and cotyledons (F, G), illuminated by white light (B, D, F), and UV light (C, E, G) (bar = 2 mm).