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. 2023 Apr 27;50(7):931–952. doi: 10.1177/00938548231165531

Table 1:

Descriptive Statistics for the SAVRY, START: AV, VRS-YV, and Prebaseline and Postbaseline Adverse Outcomes (N = 87)

Measure and variable M SD Range n % Intercorrelations
2 3 4 5 6 7
 1. Protective 1.59 1.34 0-4 −.63 −.62 .69 −.38 −.59 −.58
 2. Risk total score 25.17 9.01 7-41 .76 −.70 .79 .87 .90
 3. Vulnerabilities 28.64 8.38 11-46 −.82 .48 .77 .76
 4. Strengths 20.43 8.95 4-41 −.41 −.72 −.70
 5. Static 5.47 2.95 0-12 - .64 .74
 6. Dynamic 29.29 13.35 4-57 - .99
 7. Total 34.77 15.42 4-66 -
Prebaseline adverse outcomes
 Prior history (prior to 3 months)
  Violence 74 85.1
  Suicide attempt 36 41.4
  NSSI 57 65.5
 Recent history (in past 3 months)
  Violence 32 36.8
  Suicide attempt 7 8.0
  NSSI 34 39.1
Postbaseline adverse outcomes
 Violence 30 34.5
  Days-at-risk 58.03 61.75 1-409
  Number of incidents 1.05 2.54 0-19
 Suicidal/nonsuicidal self-injury 16 18.4
  Days-at-risk 97.11 136.76 2-818
  Number of incidents 0.30 0.73 0-4

Note. All correlation coefficients significant at the p < .001 level. SAVRY = Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth; START: AV = Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability: Adolescent Version; VRS-YV = Violence Risk Scale–Youth Version; NSSI = nonsuicidal self-injury.