Fluorescence micrographs of a strained lipid
bilayer (mp = 10 mm)
composed of POPC/DOPE-biotin-cap/ATTO647-DOPE (96:3:1, n/n) on an oxidized PDMS surface in the presence
of SUVs (POPC/ATTO488-DOPE, 99:1, n/n) serving as a lipid reservoir. (A) ATTO647-DOPE fluorescence, (B)
ATTO488-DOPE fluorescence, and (C) superposition of (A) and (B) showing
that the defects (A, black areas) are filled with the lipid material
originating from the SUVs (B, green areas); scale bars: 10 μm.
(D) Fluorescence recovery curve after photobleaching of ATTO647-DOPE
and ATTO488-DOPE, respectively. A diffusion coefficient of 1.0 ±
0.2 μm2 s–1 and a mobile fraction
of 74 ± 7% were obtained for ATTO647-DOPE (N = 15, Figure S3). For ATTO488-DOPE (N = 9), a diffusion coefficient of 2.2 ± 0.7 μm2 s–1 and a mobile fraction of 85 ±
7% were found.