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. 2023 May 30;5:1140857. doi: 10.3389/frph.2023.1140857

Table 5.

History of sexual life and details on dyspareunia experiences.

N % N % N % N % N %
Ever had pain during intercourse or in the 24 h following vaginal sexual intercourse/penetration?
 No 35 25.2 7 10.0 13 21.0 39 41.9 132 76.7
 Yes 104 71.8 63 90.0 49 79.0 54 58.1 40 23.3
When did you last have vaginal intercourse
 In the last month 74 70.5 41 64.1 31 62.0 44 77.2 27 69.2
 1–3 months ago 13 12.4 10 15.6 6 12.0 2 3.5 6 15.4
 4–12 months ago 7 6.7 10 15.6 8 16.0 4 7.0 2 5.1
 More than 12 months ago 11 10.5 3 4.7 5 10.0 7 12.3 4 10.3
Pain location during last vaginal intercourse/penetration
 Entrance of the vagina 15 6.4 21 17.9 12 16.7 6 4.8 5 2.2
 Deep inside the vagina 61 26.2 49 41.9 24 33.3 22 17.5 7 3
 Entrance and deep inside the vagina 5 13.5 3 50.0 0 0 3 18.8 0 0
 In the abdomen/pelvis 55 28.1 52 46.8 19 26.4 24 21.8 3 1.4
 Other location 5 2.6 9 8.1 2 2.8 2 1.8 0 0
Frequency of pelvic pain during or 24 h after vaginal intercourse/penetration in the last 12 months
 Never 1 0.9 - - 3 7.0 1 1.8 5 13.5
 Occasionally (less than a quarter of times) 23 21.7 8 12.3 18 41.9 28 50.9 24 64.9
 Often (a quarter to half of the times) 29 27.4 10 15.4 4 9.3 9 16.4 5 13.5
 Usually (more than a half of the times) 27 25.5 15 23.1 7 16.3 11 20.0 3 8.1
 Always (every time) 26 24.5 32 49.2 11 25.6 6 10.9 - -
Ever interrupted vaginal intercourse/penetration in because of pelvic pain, the last 12 months
 No 36 37.1 20 32.8 14 45.2 18 45.0 16 94.1
 Yes 61 62.9 41 67.2 17 54.8 22 55.0 1 5.9
Ever avoided vaginal intercourse/penetration in because of pelvic pain, the last 12 months
 No 39 39.8 17 27.4 16 48.5 24 48.5 16 94.1
 Yes 59 60.2 45 72.6 17 51.5 18 51.5 1 5.9
Currently living with a partner
 No, not in a relationship 16 11.9 9 16.4 4 13.8 6 12.2 4 20
 No, but in a relationship 15 11.1 6 10.9 2 6.9 5 10.2 2 10

Data shown as numbers (N), and percentages (%) by study group.