Test article | MultiFlow Assay | Micronucleusd Assay | Bacterial reverse mutation assays |
| |||
Chemicals | |||
Glyphosate | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Negative | Negative, ±S9 |
Glyphosate IPA | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Positive | Negative, ±S9 |
AMPA | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Negative | Negative, ±S9 |
Diquat dibromide monohydrate | Clastogenic, ±S9 | Positive | Negative, ±S9 |
Metolachlor | Clastogenic, −S9 Non-genotoxic +S9 | Positive | Negative, ±S9 |
Mesotrione | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Positive | Positive, ±S9 |
Agricultural GBFs | |||
Buccaneer® Plus | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Equivocal | Negative, ±S9 |
Cornerstone® Plus | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Negative | Negative, ±S9 |
Durango DMA | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Equivocal | Negative, ±S9 |
GlyStar® Plus | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Negative | Negative, ±S9 |
aHalex® GT | Clastogenic, −S9 Non-genotoxic +S9 | Not Determinede | Negative, ±S9 |
Roundup Custom® | Clastogenic, −S9 | Weakly Positive | Negative, ±S9 |
Non-genotoxic +S9 | |||
Roundup PowerMAX® | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Equivocal | Negative, ±S9 |
Roundup WeatherMAX® | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Negative | Negative, ±S9 |
Touchdown Total® | Not Determinedc | Negative | Negative, ±S9 |
Residential GBFs | |||
bRoundup® Weed & Grass Killer Concentrate Plus | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Equivocal | Negative, ±S9 |
Roundup® Weed & Grass Killer Super Concentrate | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Negative | Negative, ±S9 |
Hi-Yield® KILLZALL™ II | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Negative | Negative, ±S9 |
Remuda® Full Strength | Non-genotoxic, ±S9 | Weakly positive | Negative, ±S9 |
Contains two additional herbicides: 20.5% S-metolachlor and 2.05% mesotrione.
Contains one additional herbicide: 0.73% diquat dibromide monohydrate.
Not determined due to inconsistent cytotoxicity results specifically in the MultiFlow assay compared to the cleaved PARP concentration-range finding study and the micronucleus assay.
Results from 24-h and 4-h ±S9 experiments are integrated into a single, overall call. All 6 test articles that showed activity in the micronucleus assay were active −S9, and diquat dibromide and Remuda Full Strength were also active +S9.
Two independent experiments for each of the three experimental conditions for the micronucleus assay were conducted for Halex GT. Although these experiments had concentrations that met criteria for acceptable levels of cytotoxicity, Halex GT produced excess EMA-positive events at every concentration tested for all 6 experiments.