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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Jun 14.
Published in final edited form as: Immunity. 2022 Dec 28;56(1):107–124.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.12.002




anti-mouse CD11b (Fitc) Biolegend clone: M1/70, RRID: AB_312789
anti-mouse MHCII (I-A/I-E) (A700) Biolegend clone: M5/114.15.2, RRID: AB_493727
anti-mouse CD86 (BV421) Biolegend clone: GL-1, RRID: AB_10898329
anti-mouse CD80 (BV605) Biolegend clone: 16-10A1, RRID: AB_11126141
anti-mouse CD19 (BV650) Biolegend clone: 6D5, RRID: AB_11204087
anti-mouse CD3 (BV650) Biolegend clone: 17A2, RRID: AB_11204249
anti-mouse CD11c (BV711) Biolegend clone: N418, RRID: AB_2563905
anti-mouse CD8a (Percp-Cy5.5, Pe-Cy7) Biolegend clone: 53–6.7, RRID: AB_2075238
anti-mouse IRF4 (FITC, A647) Biolegend clone: IRF4.3E4, RRID: AB_2563266
anti-mouse TCF1 (PE) BD clone: S33–966, RRID: AB_2687845
anti-mouse CD127 (PE-Dazzle) Biolegend clone: A7R34, RRID: AB_2564216
anti-mouse Tim3 (Pe-cy7, BV421) Biolegend clone: RMT3–23, RRID: AB_2571933
anti-mouse Blimp1 (APC) Biolegend clone: 5E7, RRID: AB_2565618
anti-mouse CD44 (A700, BV510) Biolegend clone: IM7, RRID: AB_2561391
anti-mouse CD62L (BV605) Biolegend clone: MEL-14, RRID: AB_11125577
anti-mouse CD45.1 (BV711) Biolegend clone: A20, RRID: AB_2562605
anti-mouse PD1 (BV786) Biolegend clone: 29E.1A12, RRID: AB_2563680
anti-mouse Ki67 (FITC, BV650) BD clone: B56, RRID: AB_2688008
anti-mouse/human Gzmb (A700, BV421) BD clone: GB11, RRID: AB_1645453
anti-mouse IFNy (APC) Biolegend clone: XMG1.2, RRID: AB_315403
anti-mouse TNFa (FITC) Biolegend clone: MP6-XT22, RRID: AB_315425
anti-mouse IL2 (PE) Biolegend clone: JES6-5H4, RRID: AB_315302
Fixable Live Dead Thermo-Fisher Near IR, Aqua
anti-mouse Fc block Biolegend clone: 93, RRID: AB_1574975
anti-human CD141 (FITC) Miltenyi Biotec clone: REA674, RRID: AB_2751167
anti-human HLA-DR (PE, APC-Cy7) Biolegend clone: L243, RRID: AB_493586
anti-human CD1c (BUV395, APC) Biolegend/BD clone: F10/21A3, RRID: AB_2741017
anti-human CD11b (BUV737, BV605) Biolegend/BD clone: ICRF44, RRID: AB_2562020
anti-human CD14 (BUV661) BD clone: M5E2, RRID: AB_2871011
anti-human CD86 (BV786) Biolegend clone: IT2.2, RRID: AB_2616793
anti-human CD11c (BV711) Biolegend clone: 3.9, RRID: AB_11219609
anti-human CD40 (A700) Biolegend clone: 5C3, RRID: AB_2563921
anti-human CD16 (Pe-Dazzle, BUV661) Biolegend/BD clone: 3G8, RRID: AB_2563638
anti-human CD135 (PE) BD clone: 4G8, RRID: AB_397175
anti-human PDL1 (BV605) Biolegend clone: 29E2A3, RRID: AB_2565926
anti-human Tim3 (PE) R&D clone: FAB2365P, RRID: AB_2232901
anti-human CD45 (APC) Biolegend clone: 2D1, RRID: AB_2566372
anti-human CD3 (BUV395, BV510) Biolegend/BD clone: UCHT1, RRID: AB_2563468
anti-human CD28 (Pe-Cy7) Thermofisher clone: CD28.2, RRID: AB_1944363
anti-human PD1 (BUV737, BV786) Biolegend/BD clone: EH12.1, RRID: AB_2870118
anti-human CD39 (BV421, BV786) Biolegend clone: A1, RRID: AB_2564575
anti-human TCF1 (A488) Cell Signaling clone: C63D3, RRID: AB_2797627
anti-human Ki67 (A647, FITC) BD clone: B56, RRID: AB_647087
anti-human CD69 (Pe-Dazzle) Biolegend clone: FN50, RRID: AB_2564276
anti-human CD127 (BV711) Biolegend clone: A019D5, RRID: AB_2562908
anti-human CD45RA (APC, BV510) Biolegend clone: HI100, RRID: AB_314415
anti-human CCR7 (APC, BV421) Biolegend clone: G043H7, RRID: AB_10915474
anti-human CD25 (A647) Biolegend clone: M-A251, RRID: AB_2904482
anti-human CD8 (Percp-Cy5.5, BUV395) Biolegend/BD clone: RPA-T8, RRID: AB_2874820
human FcR Blocking Reagent Miltenyi Biotec clone: 130-059-901, RRID: AB_2892112

Biological samples

Human Tumor Samples Emory University N/A
Mouse Tissue Emory University N/A

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Collagenase D Sigma 11088882001
GP33 peptide Genscript N/A

Critical commercial assays

eBiosciences Foxp3/Transcription Factor Staining Kit Thermo Fisher 00–5523-00
EasySep CD8 Mouse Negative Selection Kit Stem Cell 19853
IFNy Human ELISA kit Thermo Fisher KHC4021

Deposited data

Human and mouse genomics data This Paper GEO: GSE216731

Experimental models: Cell lines

TRAMPC1-LCMV-GP Emory University N/A
B16F10-LCMV-GP Emory University N/A
TRAMPC1 Emory University N/A
RENCA-HA Emory University N/A

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Mouse:C57BL/6J The Jackson Laboratory 000664
Mouse:P14(B6;D2-Tg(TcrLCMV)327Sdz/JDvsJ) The Jackson Laboratory 004694

Software and algorithms

R: The Project for Statistical Computing N/A
Seurat Satija et al.66
DeSeq2 Love et al.67
Graphpad Prism GraphPad Prism N/A