Figure 6. Outgrowth HIV reestablished its infection in both myeloid cells and PBMC PHA blasts.
Supernatant HIV from day 7 after CM272- and SAHA-stimulated reinfected MG culture (as shown in Figure 4A) (A and B) or CD8-depleted PBMC PHA blasts isolated from HIV– donors (C and D). The same sources of target MG cultures or PHA blasts without addition of HIV (No HIV) were used as negative infection controls. HIV production was measured by HIV RT-ddPCR (A–C) or HIV p24 ELISA (D). HIV infection in MG was suppressed by the CCR5 inhibitor MVC (B), while ART (raltegravir/darunavir/nevirapine) treatment blocked HIV infection in PBMC PHA blasts (C and D) (n = 3). DPI, days post infection.